Friday, November 11, 2016

Stay at Home Grandma Goes Etsy

I did it. I opened up an Etsy shop. Yep. Even though I struggled over it for months, I finally decided to go ahead and give it a go.

I'll give y'all a few examples of what this grandma who's taking the burden of the cost of daycare off her daughter and SIL but maybe forgot to consider her own source of income...

Just click on the pix to go to the shop if you'd like.

The photos I took are not great. They're not even good. But the shop is open. And I'll be working on improving those photos this weekend.

Anyway, if y'all feel so moved, head over to CoasterDoodles. Please feel free to share your hints, tips, thoughts, anything. I'm open to any and all advice.

Have a great weekend!

It's day 11 of NaBloPoMo!

Links to my first 9 days of NaBloPoMo in case y'all missed them (because they're so dang interesting and all...Ha!):
  1. TWIGS AND ROOTS! Where I introduced y'all to Deanie's new business. 
  2. THE BRAVE SIDE OF ME Where I shared my nonexistent bravery with y'all. 
  3. BABY M'S NURSERY Where I finally show off the pictures of the nursery!
  4. KEEPERS: FALL TELEVISION SHORT LIST Where I shared the few fall shows I watch.
  5. SINGING ALONG WITH BABY M Where I shared some songs Baby M and I enjoy.
  6. BABY M GOES TO CLEMSON where I shared a gazillion pix and commentary on Baby M's first ever college football game!
  7. THANKSGIVING FAILS where I shared that I cannot make holiday meals as good as my grandmother did. 
  8. IT'STHAT TIME! where I slacked off and just posted a voting clip art. Don't judge. This is hard. 
  9. HOW TO ENTERTAIN A 4 MONTH OLD where I share what I'm doing with Baby M and asking for more ideas. 
  10. MY MESSAGE TO MEAN PEOPLE where I give a message to mean people. LOL


  1. I visited your shop, Pam, and you have it set up great. Your coasters are really cute!! Good luck with your new venture!!

    1. Thanks! I've got to work on the pictures though. I think they look unprofessional. Other shop owners have photos that look fantastic. We'll see if my attempts work or if I stay unprofessional looking. LOL

  2. What wonderful art. Yes, I said art.

    1. Girl, go get your eyesight checked. LOL Thank you!

  3. Congratulations on your new endeavor! Your coasters are very nice and I think you'll do well! Of course, your best job will always be that of grandma!

    1. Thank you! I agree with you about my best job. :)

  4. Congrats on your Etsy shop! I love your coasters! =)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

Design by Imagination Designs
Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove