Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Balancing the Hodgepodge

I am not going to discuss the horrid weather I'm just going to jump right into the Hodgepodge which is much better than the weather anyway plus, I might have made a comment about the stupid weather in the Hodgepodge so...

Here we go!

From this Side of the Pond

1. Where do you go when you need some inspiration? That depends on the type of inspiration I need though I do find turning to quiet and nature is helpful in preparing my mind for the search. 

2. What's under your bed? Not much of anything that belongs to me except for that missing shoe I found under there a few weeks ago. Oh, and dust. 

3. Thursday, February 22nd is National Chili Day, National Margarita Day, and National Cook a Sweet Potato Day. Of the three which would you most like to celebrate? I'll go with chili. Is that likely? No. Due to Mother Nature's hot flashes, we are having 80-degree weather which does nothing to fuel my happiness so chili won't be on the menu for quite some time.  

4. What are you 'snowed under' with right now? Stress and worry. Other than that, everything's peachy. 

5. Tell us three to five things that make you feel balanced? Staying in the moment, being organized, yoga, quiet time, reading... 

6. Insert your own random thought here. It's been kid and dog city around here the last few days which means this grandma has been in heaven and is now EX.HAUST.ED. It was worth every second. If you've already seen these on Instagram here they are again. LOL

Cousin love on the weekend. Love those hugs! 

These babies, Y'all! Please notice the placement of Bug's hands in the bottom right picture. We have been laughing about that for 3 days. 

Monday brought a full house with both babies, Tucker, Bug's other grandparents (both of whom I LOVE!), Baby R's mommy and yours truly. It was crazy but so much fun. Oh, Bug's school was closed Monday for President's Day so WIN for the grandparents!

Have a great rest of the week, Y'all!

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  1. I had the same thoughts concerning chili that you had...too HOT!
    Now that's a lap full of love, in those pictures :) and the picture with those little hands around the neck Ha!
    Enjoy your week,
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. It really is just too hot. UGH. It's not even spring and I hope this isn't foreshadowing of our summer because YIKES! LOL We are still laughing at that picture. Thank you!

  2. 80 degrees here this week, too - no chili! love the pics of the grandbabies!!!

    1. It's crazy. Now watch it snow again on Easter. LOL Thank you!

  3. Darling pics of the grandchildren, Pam. Have a great week!

  4. Still laugh at Bug's strangle pose on Baby R. That's hilarious. Hope you have a great Wednesday and get a little rest!!

  5. I can't begin to imagine 80 degree weather right now! We had an ice storm yesterday with snow and more snow today. Your littles are adorable...enjoy being a proud gramma!

    1. I'd love to send this weather to you. :) Thank you! I do love being a grandma. Who knew? LOL

  6. Cute photos .. I will try to blow the -10 degrees we woke up too over your way to cool things off.
    xx oo

    1. Now see, that below stuff, I don't get that. LOL I bet it would cool things off around here for sure! :)

  7. Love those grandkid pictures. So adorable!

  8. I don't remember any of your answers today... just those sweet babies in all those photos!!

    1. That's fine as my answers were so boring. LOL Thank you!

  9. I hope so, too. I'm probably overthinking everything. Yeah, I thought being home and around the grands would mean little to no stress but my family made sure that wasn't going to happen. LOL

  10. President's Day brought two grandkids over to our place so that was a great President's Day for us too.

  11. Wonderful! Everyday is a great day with grandkiddos, isn't it? :)

  12. Stress and worry....I'm so tired of it all!!! Always enjoy seeing the kids. Sounds like a fun time at your house.

  13. What sweet pictures! I am so enamored of baby boys right now. It's fun having one in the family, so different from the world of girls. Hoping I get one of those too someday, but I'm really enjoying seeing the world through the eyes of a baby boy. We were hiking in shorts this weekend and I absolutely loved it. Supposed to cool off again in a week or so, plus we're heading to WA soon and they've just had snow so I guess we'll get a bit of winter in March. Hope you've had a great weekend!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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