Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Laid Plans

Excitement was mounting for the FIRST ANNUAL EMPTY NEST/CHRISTMAS OYSTER ROAST.  Food preparation commenced on time.  All needed items were purchased at the grocery store.  The order for three bushels of oysters was put in.  All was moving forward smoothly.  Which should have been a huge indicator that something was about to throw a wrench in the plan.  And it did.  Friday morning.  It was around 3:30ish a.m. that I awoke, with full awareness, that I was sick.  Are you kidding me?!  And this thing would not let up until late Friday night.  So, I sent out a mass email that we would have to postpone the BIG FUN until New Year's Eve.  Everyone was very understanding, some said it would work out better for them to have it on New Year's Eve anyway.  To top it all off, the weather was not cooperating either-it poured down rain nearly the entire day. 

That was all well and good.  Except the kids were disappointed.  So, because I did feel better, and the rain was letting up as evening approached, and we just didn't want to disappoint the kids, we let the college lovelies have a few of their closest buds over for some Christmas goodies, oysters, movies (and let me tell you that watching Love Actually or Christmas Vacation is not complete until you watch it with commentary from college students) and games.  And, it was a great time!  Except that we always forget one thing about entertaining the younger crowd.  They last way longer than we do!  However, we have learned that exhaustion is bearable when brought on by spending time with youth.

Ah, college kids.  Remember those days?

The lovely on the left has been Birdie's BFF since they were 3 years old!

Put the food aside, let the games begin!

Birdie's really good friend E, DoodleBug, Birdie's BFF M

I don't know...this looks like trouble.

I just love these kids!

DoodleBug's current BoyToy being silly.

DoodleBug and friend A smiling for the camera.

Boys + oyster knives = uh oh! LOL

Steaming another batch.

The games moved outside.

Shoveling out some steamed oysters.

More games.

A shovel full of steam oysters (you won't see me eating any of these things because, to me, they look like something one coughs up, not like something good to eat.

Friend S shows a nasty oyster.

Down the hatch!

Still eating!

And then they ate more!


  1. yummmmmm...oh gosh I am so hungry for an oyster right now..makes me home sick for being back on the east coast

  2. We're having a big one on New Year's Eve- come on over!

  3. I have to admit that I agree with you on the oyster thing, but it looks like everyone had a really great time! I hope you are feeling better soon. And that you have a great New Year's Eve party. I look forward to the pics. :)

  4. I can't do oysters but everyone else I know does!! It looks like the 'kids' were having a good time!!

  5. Sometimes the best happenings are accidental. Glad you were feeling better and could enjoy all that youthful energy. Kids are great!

  6. Even though it didn't work out as planned it looks like they had a wonderful time. Glad your feeling better.

  7. Thank you for stopping by, and the nice comment. Following you already & as far as this party is concerned.. "CURSES" Not invited again!!! ~snicker~ Looks like fun was had by all. Thanks for sharing.

  8. How fun! I am jealous and wish I were there. I don't know if I could watch Love Actually with commentary though :)

  9. Yummy..I love oysters! The party looked like a great time and I truly miss those times with the college kids hanging at the house. Hope you are feeling even better today and wishing you a wonderful Christmas week.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove