Sunday, December 12, 2010

Meet Me On Monday/Mellow Yellow Monday

It's Monday and time for the Monday HOPS!  I'm linking with Java's Meet Me On Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday.  Please HOP over to their blogs and join in the fun!  Just click on the buttons--scroll down for Mellow Yellow Monday!


1.  How do you order your steak?  I rarely (no pun intended) eat steak but, when I do, it MUST be WELL DONE.

2.  Are you superstitious about anything? Yes. I have to knock (gently) on my head three times every time I say, "Knock on wood." or else I'll jinx the whole thing and it will turn out bad.  I also believe that a person can jinx a football game (well, any sporting event really) just by saying the wrong thing or doing something differently.  And someone is jinxing the CRAP out of the Panthers this year.  Just sayin'.

3.  Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)? Not including Hubs or my daughters, my BFF is Leslie. We have been BFF's for about 20 years.  Her daughter and our Deanie are the same age.  She is just the best!  She will always be honest with me and is not afraid to tell me when I am heading down the wrong path.  She is always there for me and I can tell her anything.  I'm pretty sure that I'd never make it through some of this life stuff without her!

4.  When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys...a suit)? Two years ago to Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER's wedding.  I HATE dresses.

5.  Do you have any trips scheduled?  Just to the grocery store.  There are places I'd love to visit but I just do not like to travel.

And now, Mellow Yellow Monday! Just click the button below and join the HOP!

 A few years ago my mother starting giving me pieces to the Thomas Kincaid Christmas village.  She didn't stop until recently and I ended up with 50 of those things!  Overkill, I know.  But I do love each piece and there's a train too!  Here is one of my favorite houses:


  1. I can see why that Thomas Kincaid piece is a favourite :)
    I know what you mean about the jinxing of a sports team! It doesn't take much to jinx them.

    Have a great week!

  2. Loved your answersI I would love to have your Thomas Kincaid pieces, we have several pieces of his artwork. I will have to look into the Christmas Village.

  3. I enjoyed your answers. :)

    Happy Monday!

    My MYM.

  4. I like my steaks well done too. So much so that I picked the same picture. The fire just screams "this meat WILL be cooked." :)

    Have a great week!

  5. Oh, no! Well-done steak! My in-laws like their steaks well-done and I like mine to moo, so we're always ragging on each other when we go to Longhorn. :-)

  6. Hi There! Old follower dropping by to say hi! I love your answers! Here I was sad to say I had no trips planned....but you're right....I'm planning a trip to Costco, the grocery store and the post office - all in one morning :) Drop by and say hi!

  7. I enjoyed reading these little personal tidbits about you. But I'd not rap on my head in front of anyone. LOL

    Hope you're having a great day. Enjoy the blog hopping.

  8. We have houses too. They get lit up for Christmas and the grandkids love to look inside.

  9. I enjoyed reading your answers, as always. The Christmas photo in the preceeding post is too cute! Don't you love modern technology?

  10. Thanks for stopping by! It's funny, I'm not a fan of travel either and it amazes me just how often I find myself on the road. Have a great week!

  11. Ooh I love the Thomas Kincaid house. It is superb. I tap my head too if I say 'touch wood'. I had to say your wonderful comment on my post today has still got me smiling. I shall definitely put South Carolina in my GPS and book a trip in the near future to visit my 'twin'...are the hubbies related too? Mine eats steak that still 'moos'.

  12. Cute answers! I'm with you on the steak - mine has to be cooked WELL!! I also have a few places I would like to see ~ but not enough to go through the hassle of traveling. I'll just see it on TV ;-)

  13. I don't have steak often but I think well done has no flavor. (sorry) Have fun at the grocery store :) I think if I was in better shape I would like to wear dresses. Great answers. Have a great week.

  14. Thanks for stopping by and following!

    I love the Kincaid Christmas Village, you are lucky!!

    Funny, I tend to wear skirts and dresses but I am bottom heavy and pants/jeans are not my friend, it is more of a tactic than anything (LOL)

  15. Oh fun, My mom "loaned" me her Kincaid village a few years ago stating that her house was too small. She had collected only 11 of them and I place them under our Angel Tree in the living room. That's our giving tree and I love the idea that it takes a village...It's fun getting to know a little more about you...enjoy your day. Blessings, Janet

  16. Aren't best friends the best.
    Love the house from your Thomas Kincaid collection. I love his paintings.

  17. Just hopping on by to say Hi!
    Hoping you have a lovely Christmas and fun new year.
    Helen x

  18. Thanks for coming by!! I just broke your 200 mark! WOOHOO!!

    I'm quite the homebody, myself. HUBBY, however... loves to travel. We compromise and go on a cruise every year. That way he can see a few different places and when I just need to escape any chaos, my cabin is never far away. ;D I handled it better than I thought I would.

  19. Thanks for changing the comments settings..It is so easy now..I loved the questions and your clip art to go with it..I don't eat steak often either, but it has to be well done. I hate dresses....Michelle


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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