Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Java (one of the sweetest people in the world) at Never Growing Old hosts a fun hop to start the week off right and help you not only get new followers but also get to know one another better.  So, hop on over to Never Growing Old and ---


1.  What is your favorite kind of fudge?  Maple fudge is my favorite!  Love it- it reminds me of pralines.

2.  Is there snow outside your window? NO and don't even get me started on this issue.  The $%#& weather dude has been teasing me for several weeks now and EVERY SINGLE TIME---NO SNOW.  Stupid weather dude.

3.  What is your favorite meal of the day?  Dinner.  It's the meal I spend the most time on and the one that I share with Hubs and, sometimes, our college babies come over to eat with us!

4.  Do you text on your cell phone? Oh YES indeed!  I text with our girls every single day!  BUT we do not text while's mostly when they are bored in class---LOL

5.  Waffles or pancakes?  WAFFLES!  YUMMY!  My dad gave us a Black and Decker Waffle iron that produced heart shaped waffles.  That thing lasted for 22 years before it died.  We give heart shaped waffle makers as wedding gifts because our family had the most fun with that thing.  We used it for Valentines Day and birthday breakfast's in bed and Father's Day.  On Wednesday nights we had dinner and bible study at church.  On the nights they were serving breakfast foods for dinner, people were asked to bring their waffle irons.  We always took ours and everyone would wait in line until they could get heart-shaped waffles.  It made 4 waffles and sometimes they came out just like the picture below.  And, it chirped like a bird when the waffles were done.  We really loved it!  My dad still has his...maybe next trip up there it will go missing....


  1. I too said NO to texting while driving, but I love your comic much better than my generic sign.

    Our waffle maker just broke and I'm in the search for a new one. I think I might need to look for a heart shaped one now as these are too cute. Maybe I'll get it in time for Valentine's Day.

  2. I haven't been able to find the same one we had but there are others out there. And it's crazy that I haven't replace ours yet...geez...LOL

  3. I think all appliances should chirp like birds when they're done. LOL.

  4. Great cartoon of the grim reaper! And I love the heart-shaped waffles. :-) I can't understand you people who long for snow... LOL

  5. So nice to learn more about you. I am a waffle girl myself. I love dinner time. It's a time when my boys actually quiet down and I can hear my own words.

  6. Allstarme- That would be quite pleasant! I agree!

    Cranberry- I know, but snow is so pretty. I'm sure I'd tire of it if I had an over abundance of it though. Just like I tire of the summer heat before it even gets started! LOL

    Ms Bibi-I have three brothers and they were only quiet when they were feeding too...LOL

  7. If I had a cool waffle iron I would like waffles more. Have a great week!

  8. I love the heart waffle maker! I will have to hop over and try this.
    Have a great day!

  9. I can send you plenty of snow.. it's only 5 degrees here now...cold.. Michelle

  10. Chele, it was also good because I could freeze any uneaten ones for another day!

    Rum- thanks for stopping by!

    Tote- We loved it! Must get another one!

    Michelle- Please do!

  11. I have never tried maple fudge. However out tastes seem to be pretty similar on most things. (Must be because we're both southern gals.) So I guess the next time I buy a piece of fudge it'll be maple.

  12. Waffles for me too, with maple syrup! YUM!

    Thanks for following, followed you back! :)

    Have a nice day! :)

  13. Now I'm craving maple fudge...and I haven't had any kind of candy for 22 days!

  14. Hi! Lol I thought I was the only one who would say Maple Fudge!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

  15. Hi Pam!
    Thanks so much for your visit to my blog! They say, you should learn something new every day. Now you know that we don't get much if any snow. As I say that, however, I'm ducking for cover because Mother Nature is sure to teach me a lesson for bragging and give us a few feet of the stuff !

  16. Michele, I hope you love it! It's so much like pralines!

    aiNe- thanks so much for the return follow!

    Eva- Wow, 22 days! I bet if I tried that I'd lose about 50 pounds in a flash!

    Janet- I know, me too!

    Barb- Thank you!

    Other Barb- LOL Feel free to send some my way!

  17. I wish we had snow here, too--maybe one day! Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I am following you now, too! Hope you're having a great day!! Karen

  18. Karen, maybe if we both wish really hard and cross our fingers we can get some snow! Thanks for following and commenting!

  19. Snow... not too common where I am but back home I HATED the tease of snow would race to Wally World for milk and bread then NOTHING!! Sometimes I think it was a conspiracy!! Thanks for coming and visiting! I do love your blog!!

  20. I have the heart shaped waffle maker, too. The granddaughters love it. For Christmas, I gave my husband one of those like you find at hotel buffets. It makes thick yummy waffles!

  21. I've never been much for waffles but I might eat them more often if they were heart shaped!!

  22. I love the story about the waffle maker. I'm sure that was a lot of fun.

  23. i'm glad to be back 6 dos is alot but they are our children. great answers esp. loved the different pics inbetween. take care rose

  24. Busy- I KNOW, it IS like a big tease!

    Beverly- Thick, heart shaped waffles? Oh my YES! I need that one!

    Donna- The girls always loved the heart shaped ones so much--they liked serving them to Hubs on Father's Day.

    Shirley- Thanks! I hope to replace ours the next time my mind works and remembers that we need one. LOL

  25. Hi, stopping back on the monday blog hop, thanks for stopping by my place. I love the heart shaped waffle idea for wedding gifts, fantastic!! I am no following both this blog and your photography blog, I love to take pictures too. :) Have a great week.

  26. Thank you for stopping by, I am following you as well. Make sure you subscribe via email so you dont miss a coupon, giveaway, feature, review, or hot tip! I am also on facebook and twitter.
    You can have this snow, I will mail it to ya. Where do I send it? ;-)
    Hope to 'see' you again soon!
    Stay Fabulous

  27. Queen, thanks so very much! Can't wait to see your photos!

    Chara- Thanks for the tip! I'll sign up!

  28. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Well, the question about waffles vs. pancakes has really got me wanting a waffle iron. After reading your answer, I now want one that will give me HEART-SHAPED waffles!

  29. Yes, I feel that way about maple fudge too. I don't do too much texting but it is a fun way to communicate.

  30. Lol re weather guy!
    I just realised that we have a waffle maker, but I hate it cos it makes an awful, leaking mess. Kids love it, but I prefer pancakes with tons of maple syrup!
    My MMOM is up too!

  31. omigawd, you WANT snow down here? no way lol

  32. I love the heart shaped waffle iron! I love waffles oozing with maple syrup! The maple fudge sounds scrumptious!

  33. Alicia, we really did have loads of fun with it!

    Debby, I've never tried to make it myself, have you?

    Mimi, Yeah, the weather guy down here sucks. Maple syrup = two thumbs way up!

    Betty, I thought about having them for dinner tonight!

    Blue- YES!!! Want snow!!! Of course, I'm the only one around here who wants it!

    Shawn- Maple fudge is the next best thing to pralines!

  34. Thanks for stopping by. We don't text at all and my favorite meal is breakfast--that's the only one my husband and I have together. I like any kind of fudge but my favorite would be peanut butter chocolate.

  35. Thanks for the comment! My brother picked out my blog, not sure if I love it or not yet, lol. Still new to the whole thing! :)

  36. Hi there! Thanks for the visit! I sure would love to try your butterscotch fudge! I am a new follower!


  37. That wafflemaker is sooo cool! What a great idea to give them as wedding gifts!

  38. People on their mobiles whilst driving is one of my pet hates. I love the idea of heart shaped waffles! Thanks for stopping by my blog, have a great week (and thanks for the heads up on the Bach pianist).

  39. I am loving all the different kinds of fudge I am reading about today. I want to try them all including your maple! I am happy to see someone who likes the snow and I love the cartoon picture of the texting while driving. I want a waffle maker just like that!!!If you find out where they sell them let us all know!!! Have a great week!!!

  40. Karen- that's the reason dinner is my favorite--only time we eat together!

    Jennifer- I really like it!

    Pinkim- Come on over, I'll make you some! Thanks for the follow!

    Mary- everyone seems to enjoy them so far!

    Barbara- hope you get a chance to listen to her!

    Joshlin- the last ones I have purchased for wedding gifts were either Chef's Choice or Cuisinart and I always get the stainless ones. I have not been able to find the Black and Decker in a couple of years...

  41. Hey, there's an award for you over on my blog. Hope you'll accept!

  42. Always fun to visit you. Come by my place tomorrow (Wednesday) there will be something just for you. I'll be posting in the morning and will facebook when it's up.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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