Friday, March 25, 2011


I am participating in a new (to me) Friday HOP today over at Hilary's Feeling Beachie called Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun!  

Hilary writes:  Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop!

Sounds like fun right?  Just click on the link above or the button and join in!

1) I can’t help it, but every time I see OUR DAUGHTERS I smile.  I suppose that's an obvious answer but they are truly smile worthy!

From left to right: Birdie (DD3), Birdie's BFF since they were 3, DoodleBug (DD4), Deanie (DD2), Breezy (DD1)
2) Every time I smell FRESH HOMEMADE BREAD I am immediately transported back to my childhood. My grandmother made homemade biscuits every day of the week and homemade yeast rolls at least once every week!  Of course, everything she made was from scratch and DELICIOUS!

My grandmother and perhaps the best southern comfort food cook that has EVER BEEN!

3) When I was little I wanted to be a PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL PLAYER.  It's true!  And, when my grandmother's brother told me I could, I was thrilled!  I have always LOVED football!  I was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan.  I still love the Cowboys but the Carolina Panthers took over first place when they entered the NFL in 1995...and they have pretty much been breaking my heart ever since. Seriously what can you say about a team whose leading scorer is their kicker?

I hate it if the Cowboys and the Panthers have to play each other! 
4) If I had to eat only one meal for the rest of my life it would be THANKSGIVING DINNER WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS.  Although I wouldn't want to have to prepare it every single day!

This is the 25th day of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) for the month of March. The theme for this month is: in a word! My chosen word for today is: NEW because I am participating in a NEW to me FRIDAY HOP!


  1. Your daughters are beautiful and made me smile too!

  2. Cindy- That's so sweet! Thank you!

  3. I was a Dallas fan when Tom Landry was coach. Those were the days. Nice post.

  4. A new hop and I'm too ill to join in...ah well I'll just sit back and enjoy what you have written. Cindy is right you know. They are they take after their mother!

  5. Barb- I loved Dallas then too!

    Carol- So sorry you're still down with the cold hubby shared with you! Of course they take after me...LOL

    Betty-I miss the smells of my childhood too- but at least they take us back to pleasant memories! I am very proud of each of our lovelies!

  6. Your girls are real stunners kiddo. You and the hubs did good.

  7. Beautiful girls!!! They made me smile also!

    I love the smell of freshly baked bread - unfortunately no one in my childhood baked any!

  8. Michele- Thank you! We think so too- LOL

    Donna- Thank you! I wish I could bake it, but I have never been successful. I think it's in the kneading...

  9. Your daughters are gorgeous! You're very fortunate!

    Make sure you get those recipes from Grandma!! You could write a book about her recipes!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Much appreciated!

  10. ryoko-Thank you! My grandmother has gone on- but my aunt has all the recipes that Grandmother used--all in her handwriting too! We still can't cook like her though.LOL

  11. Look at your gorgeous daughters! Beautiful every one. You are blessed indeed!

  12. Nice pic of your daughters. :-) So I'm assuming you didn't get to be a professional football player after all? ;-)

  13. This- Thank you! We feel very blessed indeed!

    Judy-Thanks! No, that didn't quite pan out! LOL

    MJonas-Thank you. I'll check your blog out.

  14. Happy Girls always smile.

    Great post!

  15. I didn't get a chance to play along today. Good fill-ins. Thanksgiving dinner was a great answer!!!

  16. Sailor- So true!

    Debby- I figure with Thanksgiving dinner I have all my favorites covered! LOL

  17. Yep - the photo of your daughters made me smile too :) And Thanksgiving dinner? I'm in!!

  18. Thanks so much for joining the hop! Your daughters are beautiful! I think it is so cool you wanted to be a football player. I am still trying to understand the game!

  19. Yvonne- Thank you!

    CindyLu- They are always making us smile, they really are sweethearts!

    Hilary- I really enjoyed it! Thanks for hosting!

  20. I could almost smell your grandmother's bread--love that smell!

  21. Beverly- I do too! Her bread was so good- with or without butter!

  22. I love the smell of freshly baked bread maybe one of the reasons we still make our own every week.

  23. Lindy- I wish I was good at baking bread!

  24. My absolute favorite dinner is Thanksgiving dinner - the works. It would definitely be my last meal, if I could have a choice. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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