Friday, April 29, 2011

Y is for--Y'all!

It wasn't difficult to come up with a 'Y' word today but it was difficult to narrow it down to one word.  I considered using Y is for Yellow because yellow is Deanie's favorite color.  Then I thought about using Y is for Yummy and talking about my favorite foods but since I'm trying to lose massive amounts of weight, I did a rethink on that oneI contemplated Y is for Yarn but I've already posted about my knitting attempts. Next, I speculated about using Y is for Yard work, but I've already posted about that too and, it just annoys me when I consider that the trees are still standing so that got a negative.  Yoga (me?  Take Yoga?  That's quite laughable to say the least); Yesterday (it was just another day); Yoda (my girls say I talk like him sometimes)---everything got thrown out.  Why?  Because I wanted to use this one:

Y is for Y'all!  All of you!  Each and every one of you who share and provide humor, advice, inspiration, encouragement, comfort, joy, love, care, concern, honesty, support, compassion--through your blog and your comments--I appreciate Y'all!  I appreciate you individually and altogether.  I'm not sure what I expected to get out of blogging, but what I have ended up with is the best EVER great, big extended family full of wonderful people and I love each and every one of y'all!

Now, line up for your hugs---


  1. *hug* I like "Y" Isn't it amazing how the blogging thing works? If you ever told me when I started I would meet such cool people, and make friends, I never would have believed you. I am so glad I was wrong!

  2. Spoken like a true southerner! I love my blog friends, too :)

  3. Hugs to you and to your girls!

  4. (((HUGS))) to you too. I love your post. Of course I do, I say that each time I'm here but I do.
    Take care Pam and have a blessed day.

  5. Stepping up for my hug - and one for you, too. Your blog is such a joyful place to be first thing in the morning. So glad I met you.

  6. Here I am...all ready for mine :) And bringing my own BIG one for you, too!!!

  7. Hilary- I know! The benefits are just marvelous!

    Kathy- Yep, just had to use y'all! Thanks!

    Clare- Thank you! And one for Gary too!

    Sailmort- Suzanne, is that you?

    Julie- Thank you! I appreciate it every single time!

    Stephanie- You are so sweet! Thank you so much!

    Desiree- Thank you!

    Thank you everyone! I love y'all and your hugs!

  8. Had to pop over and say CONGRATULATIONS on winning the big one on Carol's blog!!! WELL DONE & I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, as I know you two share a special connection and I can't think of a nicer, more deserving person to have won it. Oops! Don't let Diane @Thisisme hear I said that ;)

  9. Back atcha EN! I know how you feel! :) ANd also, I love the word y'all and really feel the need to say it, but since I am a Yankee, I don't get to use it. LOL

  10. I couldn't agree more. I have met some really cool people through blogging and you are one of 'em chick!

  11. awww that's so so true. (((hugs))) to you to my friend all the way from sunny Scotland :)

  12. Desiree- You are so funny! And I won't tell anyone! LOL Thank you so much!

    Jessica- Go ahead and use it---shake some of those Yankees up up there. LOL Thank you!

    Annie-Thank you! Hope you're having a blast in Florida!

    lou-Thank you! My great-great grandparents on my mother's father's side are from Scotland! Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER spent some of their honeymoon in Scotland!

  13. I think this may be my favorite post! Hugs to you, too.

  14. Betty- Thank you! I'm hoping to look 10 years younger very soon. LOL How's Nico getting along with the kitty?

  15. Ahem.....y'all would be the singular as in "Y'all come back now." For a group the proper use is all y'all "I really appreciate all y'all stoppin' by".

    I learned this the hard way after moving to this little Southwest Virginia mountain town my wife grew up in even though I grew up on the other side of the state. People here would hear my Tidewater drawl, give me a squinty eyed look and say 'Ye ain't from 'round here, are ye?"

    Now, 7 years on, they say I sound like a native but my friends back home give me the look when we go home to visit and I open my mouth.

  16. Well, Chip dahlin', there are no mountains down here in the low-country. LOL

    Mrs. Tuna- LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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