Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do this! No, do that! No....

I really thought I had it all figured out---this AssOff plan of mine.  I've completely cut the sugar and processed foods have been out for quite some time.  We eat more turkey and chicken than red meat; we eat fish.  I no longer eat potatoes or any starchy veggies are leafy greens, broccoli, eggplant, squash (I'm NOT giving up squash NO MATTER WHAT), tomatoes, cucumbers- all the 'salad' veggies.  If I do have rice or pasta I make sure that it's whole wheat and served with veggies NOT meat (this is one part of Ass Off that comes from Suzanne Somers' plan).  And I'm having success with slow but somewhat steady weight loss (although it's difficult to tell how much as I forgot to weigh myself before I started this whole thing--how does the saying go--'of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most?  Yeah, that's me.).

I was in a bit of a quandary over what constitutes a healthy snack but I even figured that out--mostly I enjoy olives and little chunks of low-fat Mozzarella cheese and find it very satisfying and sometimes even a few nuts.  Gone are the pretzels, the crackers, the chips.  Gone are the carrot cakes, the cookies, the candy.  No more dumplings, or yeast rolls, not even a crumb.  All gone away and the cravings have too.
I've been quite satisfied with my AssOff plan.  Until I watch episodes of THE DOCTORS or DR. OZ and find out that everything has changed.  Again.  What the H.E.L.L. do they want us to do?  One day we can eat this and that and the next day we can't.  One day ABC is good for us and the next day XYZ is better.  If you don't want to get cancer AND be able to lose some weight take away all meat (including fish), fats (including olive oil) along with the other things I've already given up---processed foods, sugar, blahblahblahfreakingblah.   

Oh how I am looking forward to the day that the 'experts' make up their minds ONCE AND FOR ALL regarding what is healthy and what is not.  All this back and forth and 'he-said/she-said' is enough to make one so insane that they either don't care what they eat or become to paranoid to eat anything at all.  Personally, I don't see me walking around eating nothing but lettuce 24/7. 

So, a newly added part to my AssOff plan is to not watch anymore television programs that feature diet plans and/or doctors.  My frustration level can rise to great heights all by itself, thankyouverymuch.


  1. What a joyous way to start my make me laugh, girl!

    True, oh, so true. I've decided that I listen to them all, then choose what is best for ME. I think that is why it keeps changing, cuz everyone is different. What works for one, doesn't for another and so on.

    I've been told I should eat more protein (metabolism and all), but my body can't handle it. So I've got to go in a different direction. Not sure which, yet :/

  2. I am on a see food diet...I see it, I eat it!

  3. I think everything in life is about balance and moderation. Somewhere along the way, we just got those two key elements off kilter. I also think stress and worry are far worse than what we eat. Relax and do what feels right for you :)

  4. My AssOff plan has gone Ass backwards whilst Anne has been here.. back on the old diet when she goes later.. I follow the same sort of diet as you.. they call it South beach in the book (lol).. anyway it seems to work.. slowly like you say, but I'm happy with that!

  5. Somebody touches my candy and it's all over. I'll put it on a bed of lettuce if I have to.

  6. I loved your post AND all the comments. LOL I seem to do okay until all of a sudden another dreary day hits and immediately my appetite for everything off limits comes to combat the lack of sunshine. Unfortunately, it never does make me feel better, even though I always think it will. :-(

  7. I stopped watching Dr Oz because his dietary suggestions are not mean for people with IBS or Diverticulitis. If I ate what he says, I'd be in the ER with severe pain. Just have to eat in moderation I guess.

  8. You are doing a great job. If it is working for you, don't change it. Things will always change in the food pyramid.
    I just wish I could get my head wrapped around a diet. I have been having a very hard time getting mentally ready to diet.


  9. It's hard not to listen to these 'experts' but I've learned to take it all with a grain of salt. Which today I read isn't going to give me a heart attack. Or maybe it will... it all depends. On something.

    Sounds like you're having success. Even if you don't see the pounds, the jeans will start feeling loose. That's the best motivator for me...buying new clothes!

  10. i agree with Desiree, in theory at least! But put me in front of a piece of cake and I can quickly forget the "in moderation" bit!
    I think better to go for a walk than watch dieting programmes, though i loved "the Biggest Loser" when it aired here last summer!

  11. Cindy- I know what you're saying is true. Everyone is different. It's just so easy to get frustrated!

    Gail-That's the diet I was on just before I started AssOff! LOL

    Desiree- Moderation? What's that? LOL You're right, I think I'm just hitting that wall of frustration. Luckily, this time, I don't want to eat my way around it though- so that's progress at least!

    Clare- I can imagine what with all the eating out. I miss eating out! We don't go much because I can prepare a salad at home and I don't like seeing and smelling all the yummy stuff that I can't have!

    Betty- You are a RIOT! LOL

    Judy- You know, I noticed this year that I ate a lot more during the winter this time. I guess that's one good thing about having short winters.

    Barb- We should write into the show and ask him to cover those things for you! Maybe he'd even have you on! Hmmmm.....

    Susan- I struggled with wrapping my head around it for a long time before I finally said, "That's enough." Because seriously, if we don't make up our minds to do it, we won't.

    Stephanie- The grain of salt thing = HILARIOUS! I am having some SLOW success. I want it all gone NOW though. Thus, the dilemma.

    Mimi-Cake!!!! I LOVE cake! And there's going to be cake here this weekend! Oh no! I better get walking NOW! LOL

  12. You are so right about them changing things that is why I get so frustrated too, some would say for awhile eggs were bad cause they were too high in cholesterol and then others say its one of the healthiest things you can eat. I think the other commenters are right who said everything in moderation. I wish I could limit more processed foods and eat much more raw foods but then when you bring home a bunch of produce you better eat that stuff quick or then it goes bad! UGH!

  13. jd-I did away with processed foods in May of 2009. And stayed away from them until around May of 2010...when the bottom dropped out and I started putting back on the 83 pounds I had lost. THIS IS SO HARD! Now that the kids are out of the house, I am much better about just going to the grocery store more often for the fresh stuff but when I walk past that frozen pizza...LOL

  14. Crumbs, you're certainly doing very well with what you are and what you're not eating!! You certainly deserve to get that weight off. I agree with you about wishing the experts would make up their minds. One day something is bad for you. Then a couple of months later, it is good for you. I guess like others have said, everything in moderation, and smaller portion sizes. Not that I know anything!! LOL!

  15. This- I know, but I really prefer the larger portions. LOL

  16. Good for you for being proactive about your health. I agree, go with what works for you.
    And now, that having been said, olives and a little mozza sounds delicious! Must go rummage in the fridge, sudden craving!

  17. So long as there is money in the weight-loss business and as much "science" that there is about such things, you know they're is never going to be a true answer. Just stick with what works! (And everything in moderation is always a good second.)

  18. Either way, sounds like you are totally on the right track. You know what works for you -- so stay the course! And definitely don't pay attention to all of those "helpful" programs. LOL
    ps: do you like red peppers? I sometimes cut up one whole pepper and put it in a baggie and back in the fridge -- its a nice sweet/crunchy on the go snack...

  19. Sandra-LOL I was just thinking the same thing and we're out of BOTH!

    Ava-I know...and stop watching television! LOL

    Jessica-I am waiting for the red peppers to grow in the garden!

  20. Next time you're visiting, please pick up the award I've left for you.

  21. I am with the see food diet!!! I think, as the saying goes,..All Things in Moderation! The best diet is to cut calories and increase exercise. Calories in=calories out
    When there is a deficit of calories in and increase in calories out( exercise) the weight will come off. Also, the very slow and steady plan works the best for long term results. Hang in there..tune in to Dr. Oz in a month, it will all change again!
    Keep up the good work..don't listen to the TV shows..they have to keep changing things up so they can keep an audience!

  22. Stephanie- How sweet! Thank you!

    Shawn- I like that one too! LOL I am going to turn off the television when those programs are on---one thing I don't need is sabotage!

  23. That's a great plan. Whenever I see something new I want to try it.

  24. I know, it's changing all the time. I just stick with what's natural or try my best too. Well not the past few days but most of the time.
    You keep up the great work Pam. I know you'll do just fine. Take care and God Bless!!

  25. Great post!
    Ignore the's just a slow process of being sensible and you'll get there. Hubby has got me on boot camp at the moment which involves flipping miles of walking. It's working though. I'm not lighter but I'm tighter! Keep at it my dear. By the way..I look like that first picture too ;)

  26. You are so right... what is good today is not good tomorrow.. That is why my motto is everything in moderation...

  27. All the confusion does make you want to just forget it all, doesn't it? Eggs are good for you, no they're not, yes they are. It's hard to know what to eat!

  28. Best diet advice I've gotten? If it tastes good, spit it out.


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