Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Fun Little Game of TAG!

I’ve been tagged by my twin, Carol, at Facing 50 with Humour!  It's a fun little game of tag in which you get to answer some questions and tag 8 friends!

Everyone who gets tagged must answer the following questions.  READY? 

Do you think you're hot?
You have GOT to be kidding.  Seriously, you MUST be kidding.  That's a resounding NO.

Upload a picture or wall paper that you are using at the moment. 

the Lovelies

When was the last time you ate chicken? One day last week.  Maybe over the weekend.  Apparently, it was unimpressive.

The song/songs you listened to recently.  That's quite a variety because I just put my ZUNE on shuffle every morning while I walk the dog.  I recall the Grateful Dead, the Beatles, Maroon 5, the Doobie Brothers, the Stones, the Eagles, Jack Johnson, Tom Petty, the Goo Goo Dolls, Van Morrison....that's all I remember from today's walk.

What were you thinking while doing this?  Dang it Carol, this is HARD.  AND you took some of the blogs that I wanted to tag like Thisisme and Barb.  AND I'm not as clever and witty as you are so my answers kind of suck.

Do you have any nicknames? What are they?  Not really.  I have a dear friend who calls me Kiddo and, sometimes, DoodleBug calls me Lady but, other than that, nope.

Tag eight blogger friends...

Desiree at Driftwood Ramblings
Joyce at From This Side of the Pond
Alessandra at The Life and Times of A Nighbert
Michele at Bodacious Boomer
Sandra at Absolutely Narcissism 
Jessica at jessie's spot
Momma Brown at  The Turnip Farmer: growing roots and turning over new leaves
Anne at Anne Dickens The Day After Yesterday

Who's listed as number one?
That would be Desiree.  She is one of the kindest people on this earth.  She loves nature and recuses dogs!  She offers wonderful tours, awesome photography and interesting tales.  She is also a great encourager.  Everyone needs a friend like Desiree!

Say something about number five?
Sandra is freaking HILARIOUS!  She finds the humor in the everyday life of her family and it is never a disappointment to visit her blog!  And I simply cannot wait to hear her response to the first question. 

How did you get to know number three?
Carol (my Twin and the one responsible for me doing this tag thingy) featured Alessandra one day so I hopped over there and quite enjoyed what I read.  Alessandra is clever, funny, opinionated--three of my favorite qualities in a friend!

How about number four?
I can't remember how I found Michele but I'm so glad that I did (I think I just stumbled upon her blog after laughing at a comment she made on someone else's blog)!  Talk about humor?  I've practically fallen over laughing at this woman.  She can find humor in every situation you could ever imagine.  I keep thinking that, maybe one day, we'll see her doing stand-up somewhere!   

Leave a message for number six?
Jessica- I have totally enjoyed discovering all of our similarities!  Perhaps you should check out Carol's blog- she and I have discovered that we are long lost twins due to our similarities- it could be we're actually triplets! 

Leave a lovey- dovey message for number two?
Joyce, I have so enjoyed traveling vicariously through your lovely travel posts and your Wednesday Hodgepodge HOP renders me practically giddy with delight!   

Do number seven and number eight have similarities?
Well, they are both funny and they both have young daughters.  Oh, and it is NEVER a waste of time visiting their blogs!  

Ok girls, it's all on y'all now!  Thanks again to my twin, Carol, for forcing me by gunpoint letting me join in the game!

So ladies:  “TAG - YOU’RE IT!


  1. Bravo. It wasn't too painful was it? I enjoyed it because it was a little different and fun. You did good!

  2. I'm tickled. Thanks for the props. I must go now and find a blimp hanger to put my giant head in for the night.

  3. Barb-Not too painful! And it was fun- you did a fantastic job on yours!

    Debby- They are and I really wanted to be clever, but it just didn't work out that way. LOL

    Michele-Can't wait to read yours!

  4. Fun answers! Hope all those who are tagged have fun too!

  5. what a fun post! i will definitely do this and carry on with the game!

  6. Betty- Thanks! I was trying to be so clever, but to no avail. LOL

    Momma- Yay! Have fun with it!

  7. Yeah! Way to go twin - good answers and impressive music on Zune. You'll be delighted to know Hubby got tagged today too - it's kept him quiet all afternoon.
    Loved your choices to tag next.
    Happy hugs (very happy as I've managed to wind up Hubby up totally today)
    ps your wallpaper is just perfect. XOXO

  8. Phew!" I;m going to actually be able to post a comment on your post! Some I can, and some I can't, so you must be one of the special ones! I've just done the same post today. It was something different, wasn't it?! I always enjoy popping over to see you. By the way, your Lovelies and just gorgeous! You're one blessed mum!

  9. Aw thanks for tagging me friend! :):) I didn't think your answers sucked at all, now mine on the other hand -- they will suck. Clearly I have been in a writing funk! Can't wait to check out your blog recco!! I'll be getting on this this afternoon. :)

  10. Awww, thanks me lovely! I am chuffed to be included in your tag ;-)

    Blimey, I didn't know that 'Facing 50 with Humor' was your twin! I shall read yours, and her blog in a new light!

  11. Dearest twin- That was HARD! And I wasn't clever. But it was fun! So glad hubby is out of your mean, so glad hubby is having fun with being tagged. LOL

    This-I haven't had trouble yet, but I'm sure it's coming. Of course, they still have not returned my Thursday post from that terrible week when they shut down completely! Thank you!

    Jessica- Writing funk? You too?! LOL Can't wait to read your NOT sucky answers!

    Annie- Yes, it's true. Twin and I have discovered many, many similarities and, from time to time, the same train of thought...which is sort of scary. LOL Can't wait to read your answers!

  12. Betty- Well, maybe you could do it and just not do the tag part? Or tag people who have less than 100 followers? Something like that? I've got to get over there and read what he wrote!

  13. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your definitely do not need to take a backseat to anyone! No, not even to Carol, your 'wicked' twin ;)

    I am so touched that you mentioned humble me in such glowing terms...this is the second time I've had to frame what you've said about me :) What a sweetie YOU know what they say, don't you? That in order to recognise qualities in others, you have to possess them, please read what you said about me and say the same things to yourself!

    I'm afraid not only am I the world's biggest spoilsport in terms of not ever taking part in games of any type (yes, it really is true!), my life right now has taken on a life of its own...and I'm struggling just to keep up with it. Some days, I just feel, even if I were a good sport, I'd have to bow out of this game of Tag! You're it!

    You have no idea how bad I feel though...turning you down is really not an easy thing to YOU are truly one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving and giving souls I am privileged to know through blogging.

    Huge hug!
    Des xoxo

  14. Desiree- It's not a problem at all! I completely understand. Just know that you were one of the first I thought of and that I truly appreciate your words whether on your blog or in the comment section of my own! Have a wonderful weekend filled with puppy love and relaxation!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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