Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell

Good grief, has another week passed ALREADY?!  That's crazy!  It's also time for my week in a:

The big news, besides the Royal Wedding, is that I SURVIVED/FINISHED THE A-Z BLOG CHALLENGE!  YES!  It was most definitely a challenge but it was also fun!  I really enjoyed visiting other blogs and reading their word choices too.  So, will I be doing it again this month?  Hell to the NO.  But don't let that stop you from giving it a shot!  It really was fun, especially meeting some wonderful new bloggers!  And I will do it again...sometime. 

In the garden, our tomato plants have gone CRAZY!  One is almost 3 feet tall already!  Everything else is flourishing as well.  And, the squash garden is planted!  The rain barrels are completely full of rain water and the drip irrigation is working just fine.  Now, we wait--for delicious vegetable goodness!

The tomatoes when we first planted on April 2...
the tomatoes now.

The peppers (and onions) when we first planted...
the peppers now (and onions).

The lettuce (shallots and garlic too) then...
the lettuce, et al, now.
The squash garden then....
the squash garden now.

Some of you may have caught wind of the fact that I WON Carol's giveaway at Facing 50 With Humour!!!  Get excited people!  I am just days away from LOOKING 10 (count them TEN) YEARS YOUNGER!!  That's right!  TEN years younger!  Now, if anyone has the miracle for looking 10 pounds lighter, I'd like to win that also.  I'll take mine in bulk please.

Speaking (writing?) of Carol, did y'all know she has ANOTHER blog too?!  It's called Fortifying your Fifties our nest is empty and it provides the wonderfully delightful humor that we've come to know and love from Carol!   She even lets her hubby post on there---he has his VERY OWN PAGE and, it seems that he possesses humor also.  Shhhh....don't tell Carol I said that. 

Birdie graduates in a mere 7 days.  She flies out to Texas in May for an interview for enrollment in a grad program.  TEXAS = far, far away.  So, I'm going to need my TEXAS friends to email me so I can check up on this place and see it y'all know anything at all about it.  I'll email you the website when I hear from you.  Thanks!

I was contacted this week by Jodi from WOW (Women On Writing) to see if I was interested in hosting a BOOK GIVEAWAY for them.  So, I checked them out and the author of the book...the author is Mari McCarthy.  According to WOW

"Mari’s need to journal started as something much more basic. The need to learn to write. When Multiple Sclerosis attacked her right side, leaving her right hand unable to write, Mari had to find a way to teach her left hand to take over the task. A journal seemed like the perfect way to practice writing. Although journaling started as a means to an end, Mari fell in love with discovering herself through journaling."

Mari L. McCarthy’s websites:

Mari L. McCarthy’s blog:

I have visited Mari's website and blog this week.  Right now, she is offering a FREE e-book download that promises to help with writer's block.  I downloaded the e-book yesterday and have begun the exercises.  Once I complete those I will begin using my copy of the book that I will be giving away which means I will be on the road to some self-discovery via journaling! 

SO- on MAY 10, Mari will guest post on my blog AND I will put up the giveaway at that time.  In the meantime, check out Mari's sites as well as the WOW site and stayed tuned....   


  1. Wow, so much covered today! And congratulations on the A-Z. Don't know how you managed that so well! Your garden looks amazing. I should be able to set plants out in another 5 weeks. Yeah, we live on different planets. :-)

    My daughter moved away to Texas too, and she and her hubby love it. Just warning you.

    Have a great week!

  2. Judy- 5 more weeks? WHAT?! I believe you're right about living on different planets! Uh oh. That is not good news about Texas.

  3. I'm Texan via Colorado...but I must say this about Texas, if it weren't for the Longhorns and Cowboys [Dallas Cowboys]...they'd not survive. LOLOLOLOL

    Congrats on your win!!!! But I'm in awe of your need to lose 10 pounds...ONLY TEN?!!! Dang girl, what's your secret? I think I'd be doing real good if I could lose at LEAST 40. Both in pounds AND years. What? A girl can't dream? by the way, your garden looks fantastic.

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday. Here's my link for today if you'd care to stop by and say 'howdy'!!

    Sand, Surf, and Shadows

  4. Anni---NO! Not 10 pounds ONLY-more like 100--that's why I want the secret in bulk! LOL

  5. Super post full of interesting snippets and your veggie garden isn't just growing, it's leaping skyward! Wow! All in just 4 weeks :)

    I can sense the mounting excitement about the upcoming graduation ceremony. It's like NASA's countdown has begun :)

    Texas...not great for Mom that it's so far away :( But maybe you'll be able to visit occasionally, if you have someone reliable to care for Tucker while you're away? It's never easy leaving them behind, I know...we're in the same boat & consequently hardly ever get away anymore.

  6. your garden looks great! we have had no luck with tomatoes the last 2 years. 1st year thought we had seen the last of the frost ,planted and BAM, had to replant, but last year and this year, the bugs have got them, doesnt seem to matter what we plant with them or spray them with they end up hollowed :(

    Texas :( how far is it from you. my youngest isnt coming home for any time after recruit training,he goes sstraight down to melbourne for signals training.

  7. Like you, I can't believe that another week has gone by!! Not long now for Birdie - Eeeek! How exciting. Gosh, your garden is going bananas! You must have good soil where you are. Enjoy what's left of the weekend.

  8. How well your garden is growing! Ours is just starting and we can't even plant out our tomatoes yet. I'm green with envy.

  9. Desiree- It really is exciting! But--TEXAS? 20 hours away? There are people who can keep Tucker, but I hate leaving him. Which means we are like you--mostly staying at home.

    Yesterday- Last year the garden wasn't great but this year...maybe that elusive green thumb has finally arrived! Texas is 20 hours away from us. Leaving the nest is one thing but going that far away is quite another, don't you think?

    This-Just 6 more days and one exam away from being finished! I'm thinking that all we did to the soil last year is paying off this year.

    Stephanie- I'm so excited that it's doing so well this year. I hope it continues!

  10. Congrats on finishing the challenge! Your tomato plants look great. Ours are still seedlings.

  11. You have been busy. Your garden looks wonderful. My mouth is watering with all the delicious treats you are going to be able to enjoy. So many people I know did the A-Z that I had decided I couldn't read all of them each day.
    You should be very proud of yourself for doing it. Congrats on winning the giveaway and also on Birdie graduating!

  12. Carmie-Thanks! The tomatoes are doing much better this year and so is everything else, thank goodness!

    Debby-Thanks so much! It was a lot to read and there was a ridiculous number of people participating --but I did meet some new bloggy friends- which made the whole thing worth it!

  13. Betty- Thanks! It's growing much better this year than last- maybe the soil just needed a year to get rich enough...I don't know if it shows I'm a writer or crazy, but I sure appreciate the compliment!

  14. I'd seen that you'd won the giveway. Although I was supremely bummed; I was glad that it went to a friend. I guess I'll just have to let the laser to it's thing with me.

    Never fear if your young one comes to Texas. For the most part, we are all good folk. And besides it just gives you a reason to come here- at which point I'll take you out for some enchiladas and a big drink

  15. Michele- I was too I'm just hoping the results will be real! LOL I didn't think of her going to Texas like that! Now I'm getting excited! I'll come under the pretense of visiting her and meet you for enchiladas and a big drink instead! This isn't going to be bad at all!

  16. Your garden looks amazing! We are not able to plant until ( at the earliest) mid may. It has been so cold the last few days, I wonder if we'll have to push back until the end of May.

    Have a wonderful week and Congrats on winning the giveaway. Let me know how it works..I could use a a perk me up!

    My brother lives in Texas..I love the area. He lives in Flower Mound outside of the Dallas area.

  17. Shawn- Thank you! We are pleased with it- we just hope it continues to grow and produce! Last year we lost much of it. Flower Mound--sounds pretty-I am imagining a huge mound covered with flowers in the middle of town. LOL

  18. Great garden pics. Congrats on finishing the challenge. Finally we get some decent weather here. This is what we should have had in March and April. Instead we had to use heat.

  19. Barb- We haven't turned the heat on since February...well, there were like two days in March. Our air conditioning has been on for over a month! Glad you're getting some good weather now!

  20. Your garden looks so yummy, I love tomatoes and peppers. Lots to read on your blog today, you'll have to let us know how Carol's super cream and makeup works, so we can all rush out and buy it :)
    Looking forward to posts about birdie being back.

  21. Alessandra- I will definitely let everyone know about the super cream and blue mascara! I'm hoping no one will recognize me since I'll be all youthy. LOL

  22. Fresh tomatoes right from the garden. Oh yum! Alas, I will have to wait MONTHS before I get that taste. Lucky you :)

    I love this week in a nutshell...I may steal this idea ;) But what should I call it?

  23. Cindy- They are so good fresh from the garden, aren't they? And if my grandmother was still with us we'd have them on her homemade buscuits! Feel free to steal the week in a nutshell! I don't mind if you use nutshell too! I had thought about starting a meme but I don't know.

  24. If I start the meme will you make a button to go with it?
    I don't mind starting it on my blog and keeping track. I think it would be fun.
    What do you think?
    contact me at my email
    clemay62 at rocketmail dot com


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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