Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

When our nest became empty  nearly two years ago, I had to find some hobbies to fill up all those empty hours.  Gardening is one of my empty nest hobbies that I love most.  I just plug in my earbuds and get lost amongst the veggies.  It's actually quite therapeutic!

We are using our variation of the Square Foot Gardening method in our raised beds this season. We planted the first week in April and things are looking pretty good so far!  Take a look:


  1. Awesome photos of your awesome garden : )

  2. Joyce- Thank you! Yesterday, I was able to enjoy a bowl full of cherry tomatoes for an afternoon snack! Deee-lish!

  3. Very cool! I LOVE these pictures!

  4. Oh, my! And I'm just happy that my new plants are beginning to grow out of the teenage stage. All that heat is good for your tomatoes!

  5. Us ..retired hippies still enjoy the simple things in life...haha..your garden makes me so jealous. I just planted my tomatoes because in MI it is still COLD in mid-may :-)

  6. Betty-thanks!

    Stephanie- Ah, the heat is good for the tomatoes, but for me? Not so much. LOL

    Jeff-Yes indeed, the simple things...are there any other things worth enjoyment? I think not. LOL One thing about living down here is the growing season- it's practically year 'round. BTW, I still subscribe to Mother Earth News. Do you? LOL

  7. Those vegetable plants are so far advanced than ours in Shropshire - don't you DARE complain about having high temperatures again young lady! :O)

  8. I've got a sudden craving for salad!

  9. Jane- You crack me up! Ok, I won't complain--as long as the air conditioner continues to work! LOL

    Chip-Come on over- we've got just what you need! LOL

  10. Oh! Look at all of those tomatoes and peppers! I hope you have a good salsa recipe because it looks as if you're going to have a bumper crop!

  11. WoW! You've done so well there, and such a variety of veggies. It all looks wonderful , and how lovely to be able to just go out and pick your own. I'm sure the veggies will taste so much better than those from the supermarket!

  12. Betty- I love them that way too!

    Kara-I'm gathering ideas/recipes now...have any?

    This-They are delicious! And NO chemicals!

  13. Your garden is looking great. Way ahead of mine. Can't believe you have tomatoes that are almost ripe. And great size peppers. All the plants look so healty and happy.

  14. you put me to shame!
    I've planted nothing but a couple of fruit bushes this year, and now I'm worried that the birds will get to the fruit when it ripens, before I organise netting or whatever stops them.
    i think there is nothing like a fresh, home-grown tomato! Enjoy your wonderful produce!

  15. Stella-Thank you! I've been eating cherry tomatoes this week. I love the way they ripen--I can pick daily and eat them as a snack!

    Mimi-When I was growing up we used to take tomatoes right off the vine and put them on my grandmother's homemade biscuits. I've never tasted anything better or even close to it since!

  16. I can smell the earth and the tomatoes and peppers now. Yummy!

  17. Barb- Don't they smell great?! LOL

  18. Wow! Those are some beautiful plants!

  19. WE garden, too! We live in an apartment and have to garden in containers, but we love it!:-) Thanks for all the encouragement on STS challenge. I'm looking forward to losing 3 lbs this week!

  20. Mine doesn't grow, don't have one. I am so impressed and jealous. I love how your garden is growing.
    Awesome pictures.

  21. I'm so jealous of your tomatoes!!! I planted some starts a couple weeks ago and have nothing yet...
    My cucumber start that I planted died. So sad! I only bought one. If I had bought three like I wanted, I would have had a million cucumbers to worry about, but I wasn't greedy enough and the poor plant had to suffer.

    Great pics!!

  22. I think you already know how my garden grows, but I am so impressed with your vegetable garden and your tomatoes almost ready to pick.

  23. I square foot garden also. So easy.

    Love the pics..thanks for sharing them


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