Monday, December 12, 2011

Challenge Day!

Today is the end of the THIRTEENTH week of Biz's Holiday 2011 Challenge and the end of the TWELFTH week of Give Yourself the Best Gift and the Christmas Dress Challenge! (All buttons are on my sidebar but you can just click the links to get to their blogs OR click the links above!)

Here we go!

  • Drink 64 oz of water daily: YES!
  • Exercise at least one hour 7 days/week: YES! 
  • Keep daily calories between 1200 and 1400: YES!
  • Post daily exercise and food on YES!
  • Post weekly results: YES!
  • No food after 8:00 pm: YES!
  • Eat slower: Sometimes.
  • Three days of strength training exercises: YES- in the form of getting decorations from the attic and moving the boxes here, there, and everyfreakingwhere. Again.   
Here's the calorie breakdown:
  • Monday: 1234
  • Tuesday: 1236
  • Wednesday:1133
  • Thursday: 1173
  • Friday: 1301
  • Saturday: 1070
  • Sunday: 1369

Total calories for the week: 8516
Total CARDIO for the week: 26.5 miles AND 9.083 hours
Weight total for Biz's Holiday Challenge 2011 week THIRTEEN: -1.5 lb (for a THIRTEENweek total of: -22 lbs) 
Weight total for Give Yourself the Best Gift and Christmas Dress Challenge week TWELVE: -1.5 lb (for an TWELVE week total of: -20 lbs)

Remember y'all: One day at a time!

Now it's time for the BLOGSHARE!

While I certainly appreciate all the lovely compliments regarding the various recipes, crafts, ideas, etc. these last nine days, I CANNOT TAKE CREDIT FOR ANY OF IT!

All of the posts are from other bloggers who are part of the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare and are not my own.

What I am posting are teasers, if you will, written by the blogger of the day to encourage you to go and check out the rest of their posts on their blogs.

All you have to do is click on the provided links for the entire post!


 Today's blog post for the 25 Days of Christmas Blogshare is from

Shimmery Christmas Ornament
So I had planned on knocking your socks off with an amazing tutorial for a wintery glitzy lamp shade for Christmas decorating. You know how it is, you have this idea in your head and it's going to be simply stunning... then you set out to recreate your vision and... big fat fail! Ended up looking like a big white glittery blob! What's one to do when they get oh so stressed out over not one but 3 failed attempts?
Move on! So move on I did!
I bring you the glitz in another wonderful little trinket anyone can do, even got the kids involved to make one too!

Click Here to Continue Reading Post...


  1. Love your challenge days! So fun to read of your success.

    As for the tutorial? Who needs a lamp shade anyway! ;-) and the Christmas ornament is lovely!

  2. Those snow-women in bikinis cracked me up!

    Glitz is what Christmas is all about when kids make ornaments!

  3. You're doing a good job Pam, keep it up :-)
    Enjoy your Day!

  4. Judy- Thanks! What a long, strange trip this has been! Wait, isn't that a song? LOL

    Stephanie-I thought they were so dang cute! I agree with you about the glitz!

    Betty- My BFF here told me that slow and steady wins the race. So I'm trying to be a tortoise instead of a hare! LOL

    Eva- Thanks so much! I saw your new painting on facebook-gorgeous!

    MKM- Thanks!

    skinny-Thank you!

  5. Fantastic progress again this past week! good for you. Have another great one!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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