Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wedding Weekend, Part 3: Food, Shagging, and Watch the Little Birdie!

We have attended our fair share of weddings in our day. We've been to some fun ones and some not so fun ones (this one was BIG FUN!). Sometimes the food is fantastic and sometimes it just isn't (at this wedding, the food was truly fantastic- from what I heard. I only ate a couple of things that were gluten free, but the smells were absolutely divine and the presentation was lovely!).

There was a band that played all night long (featuring the groom's father on guitar) which led to lots of shagging! And by shagging, I mean this:

Although I never saw anyone with quite the same moves out there, I did see nothing but smiles and folks having BIG FUN!

One of the things that made the fun so BIG was ShutterBooth. I had never seen or even heard about them before the wedding. Now, we want to have them at every function we host.

OMG, it was a total blast!

Remember those photo booths at the beach? The ones that you went in to with your friends or boy/girlfriend while taking a break from shagging (the dance people- get your minds out of the gutter) and made those funny faces and the pictures came out in a 2x7 inch strip of 4 photos? Well, that's what ShutterBooth is!

They come to your occasion AND---

They bring accessories! 

That's me, BestSonInLawEVER, Hubs, DoodleBug and Breezy!
What fun!

No matter how young or old the guests were, they were in that booth! I imagine some of them remember getting a kiss in a booth like that or just hanging out with friends being silly! That's exactly what happened at the wedding! Kisses and just having fun! AND---

You get to take the pictures home...for free! Not just one, but every single person in the photo gets a copy! So cool!

After the event, ShutterBooth puts the photos up on their website so you can view and download to your computer and/or order prints.Which I did BOTH because, HELLO!, Christmas presents! And blog posts, of course! (Oh, and just so you know, I'm just doing this because I thought it was so freaking awesome, ShutterBooth didn't ask me to or anything like that).

The bride and groom:

Breezy and the groom (BFFs since 6th grade):

Breezy and her mom (that's me!):

Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER:

DoodleBug and the sole reason she is majoring in education to be a kindergarten teacher---her kindergarten teacher!

DoodleBug, Breezy, and me!

Me, BestSonInLawEVER, Hubs, DoodleBug and Breezy:

Can you tell we had a BLAST?!

Seriously, had I known about them before, they would have been at Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER's wedding! 

Now, the winner of Cat's book is: 

Jessica B over at Jessee's Spot!
Seriously, if y'all are not familiar with Jessica, get over there and check out her blog! She is a RIOT! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those photos are hilarious! It looks like everyone had a blast, and it's so nice to finally see you.

  3. Kara- Thanks! I'm glad you see from the photos that we had fun and not that we are CRAZY! LOL

  4. You all are crazy - and I mean that in the most positive way.

  5. This looks like a fun wedding! The setting is gorgeous! We went to a wedding last fall that had a photo booth. They cut the pics apart on the strips and put them beside your name in a guest book which I thought was cute. I love weddings!

  6. Suzanne- I know. And, I know! LOL I promise I have not forgotten about you!

    Joyce-I heard about the guest book option and I thought it was a great idea! They might have done that for Creighton and Danielle, I'm just not sure. It was fun! Everyone had a blast!

  7. Oh my, those moves are smoo-o-o-th. Love it - and I want that photo booth. When I was young it was a 'big city' thing that I always thought would be so cool. I was right. And I'm so glad to see you in these photos - at last. You're having a blast...I can tell!

  8. Hilarious!!! I can see where your girls get their sense of humor.....loved the glasses.
    Had to do a double take at your title, in England "shagging" means something totally what people do when they are feeling amorous and in the mood....ooh la la!!!!!!!

  9. Hi Pam. Yes, lovely to actually see you in these photos! I can certainly see what a great time you had. What a brilliant idea that Shutterbooth was. I've never heard of that over here in England. I would certainly have had it for my daughter's wedding! I remember them well, certainly back in the 60's, when we would get as many people as we possibly could into these booths, and make all sorts of silly faces. This was obviously a wedding that you will all remember for some time to come!

  10. Awesome photos! You were all having so much uninhibited fun! Best of all, for me though, was finally seeing you, Pam! You look marvellous and I think you missed your should have taken up acting! You have kept yourself hidden for so long we imagined you looking all warty and crumpled and haggard. Just LOOK at you! A beautiful, fun-loving, happy and wrinkle-free woman who has a gorgeous, unblemished complexion and a lovely, infectious smile.

    Now, I hope you're going to appear in lots of family pictures from now on! Just don't pull tongues at us again, OK? I loved this post :)

  11. What a great time you guys had and at a wedding!!! You know I have been to many weddings and none look like they have been as fun as that one!

    Those pictures are great and I am so glad you shared them with us :)

  12. Stephanie-They were just the coolest, weren't they? And shagging- oh I loved to watch my parents dance when I was a kid! They could cut quite a rug!

    skinny-I do know that about shagging over there--that was one reason I put it in the title! I thought they would get a kick out of it! LOL Thanks!

    Diane- Thank you! I can't believe I didn't know about it for Breezy's wedding! I would have gotten it regardless of the cost! It was fantastic! We had such a marvelous time!

    Desiree- You had me blushing and laughing at the same time! I would cut and paste this comment to print and hand out to everyone but my head is already huge after your kindness! LOL I'll be in the pix now---and I won't stick my tongue out. Maybe. :P

    Lucy-We sure did! Next time you go, ask if they have a ShutterBooth, you'll LOVE it! Thanks!

  13. I LOVE costumes of any kind. I wear one whenever I think I can get away with.

  14. Betty-Life is too short to take it any way other than with loads of laughs! And that's what we do a lot! Not all the time, but a lot! Thank you so much Betty!

    Michele- I love them too! But, maybe not quite as much as you do. LOL

  15. Looks like y'all share a kinship with Elton John. Got a Brit accent too?

  16. What can I say? Oh my goodness, what a terrific time...what a blast. This looks like the 'funnest' ever!!

    Wow...I could have been there with my attire and fit right in.

    I LOVED this.

    Now, I'm gonna go check out the part 2 and part 1 that I missed.

    A link to my Friday post: Part 1 of our Road Trip

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  17. PS...just viewed the part 1 and part 2....and had to come back and leave another comment. But, while I was scrolling down to find the comment box to type in my words, I scrolled should try it. If you think the photos were fun looking at them as individual photos, scroll fast and you have a keystone cop type silent movie...what fun.

    Now, on to the other parts of the wedding trip you've shared. I must say I LOVE the black and white theme....that is one terrific idea. They all look so elegant and formal.

  18. totsymae- LOL Nope, no British accent here! Just southern!

    Anni-Thanks so much! You really would have fit right in with us! That's too funny about scrolling fast- I'll have to try it!

  19. Looks like a crrrraaazy wonderful time!! Glad you included the video. It does explain the title. :-) So fun to see such a good time had by happy people!

  20. Judy-I thought I'd better explain what we mean in the south when we say 'shag'. LOL It was such fun!

  21. Oh my God, what a load of fun!
    I don't think they have that photo thing here, but I hope it's on the way! it's as good fun as karaoke!

  22. Well those pics will put a smile on anybody's face. Glad to see your family having such a good time. Love the outfits! :)

  23. Mimi-It sure it! I hope you get it too because it is so worth the fun!

    Kipp- Thanks! The ShutterBooth folks provided the pimp outfits. LOL We did have a blast!

  24. The wedding looked so awesome. I have only been to a regular park your butt, listen, eat a bit and leave wedding. It is so cool to see these pics.
    You have such a beautiful family.
    Thank you for sharing my friend. Have a blessed weekend.

  25. Wow us all dear girl! You sure had some fun with your beautiful family! I KNOW life is always rocking and rolling at your home!
    I'm going to have to remember the Shutterbooth. I only have one child left not married and that would be my one and only daughter....

    Thanks for sharing the fun with us and...


  26. Julie- It was great! We had such a good time- we've been to weddings like you mention but this wasn't one of them!

    Sush-We did have some fun! I'm going to remember them too! We have 3 who have yet to walk down the aisle, so we get it three more times! LOL Thank you so much!

  27. Okay, that wedding was offically one of the most fun weddings I have seen in a long time. I have never seen dancing like that! I have heard about those photo booths and I think it's a must! Must get that when our son gets married.

  28. Debby- It was such fun! I didn't see one single person not laughing or dancing or dressing up for the photo booth! I agree! It's a MUST!

  29. Great pics Pam!! What a awesome looking wedding! I want to have a photo booth!


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