Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Sounds of Summer

When I was growing up, I loved the sound of the window fan in my bedroom at night.  There was no central air conditioning and heating back then.  We had a furnace in the basement to which we fed coal for heat and opening up all the windows and using window fans was our summer cooling system.  And I loved the sound of that window fan.  I would lie perfectly still and listen as the fan used it's soft hums to lull me to sleep.

When we camped out in the backyard in the summer months, I loved to listen to the crickets (or were they cicadas?).  Funny that I never tried to find the little things and capture them.  Some people are annoyed by their sounds but, for me, their songs worked as a lullaby.

I loved the sounds of all the kids at the neighborhood pool--of kids having fun.  There was plenty of laughter; applause when some silly boy did a belly flop when he really meant to impress some girl with a lovely swan dive; girls screaming as the boys pushed them into the pool from their strategic positions on the side of the pool; splashing; and the ever popular Marco/Polo...

The sounds of us kids running around the backyard playing Freeze Tag or chasing lightning bugs for capture in our jars with the holes punched in the lids.  Although, sometimes, there might be some disagreement over whether or not someone was actually tagged during Freeze Tag.

When I visited my grandparents I loved waking up to the sounds of the birds chirping in the yard.  My grandmother used to say, "Listen to that one!  He's talking about you!  Do you hear what he's saying?"  And I would listen so very hard and Grandmother would translate, "Prettygirlprettygirl."

There was the squeaky sound of the screen door as we opened it and then let it slam shut even though our parents would yell out, as soon as they heard the squeak, "Don't slam the screen door!"

The sound of a bee buzzing past my head; barking dogs; squirrels chasing each other round and round and up and down a tree; an approaching thunder storm; rain as it beat against the house; the ice cream truck...

Once the lovelies came along my list of favorite summer sounds grew to include the laughing of the gulls at the beach, the sounds of the waves hitting the shore and the lovelies laughing as the waves knocked them down.  And the sound of their shovels digging in the sand for the building of truly magnificent sandcastles.  The screech of their swing set as they yelled out, "Look how high I can go Mommy!"  The sound of anyone mowing the lawn BESIDES ME and backyard cookouts...

Seems there's something to summer besides heat and humidity after all. 

Here's another sound... from the summer of my eleventh year:

What are your favorite summer sounds?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday Hops!

It's the end of another week!  That means it's time for the FRIDAY HOPS! If you are here for FIVE QUESTION FRIDAY only, then just scroll down!

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

First is Hilary's Follow Friday Four Fill-In at Feeling Beachie!  

Hillary says:  I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop!

This week’s statements:

1. I don’t understand why Hubs leaves so many things around here undone--the tree pruning; the yard mowing; the bathroom floor; the gutters that never got put up properly and are about to fall off the house; the list is, he will say he was dealing with his mother dying and the results of that.  HOWEVER, I'm pretty darn sure she wasn't dying for 27 dang years.  

2. I don’t know what is worse, a man who consistently degrades women or the women who take it.

3. My feet always get cold in the winter.  Of course, that may be related to the fact that I don't wear shoes in the house even during the winter months. 

4. I wish I owned a cottage on the coast of Maine.  I would never leave it.

Next is Five Question Friday from Mama M. at My Little Life. 

This HOP is a great way to get to know each other better and to meet new friends!  If you click on the button, it'll take you right over there to join in the fun! 

Questions for Friday, July 15th:

1. If you knew your best friend's spouse was cheating on her or him, would you tell her (him)?  Probably not.  That would involve me putting myself in the middle of something and that is a VERY dangerous place to be in most situations.  Especially when something like that is involved.  Plus, I already have never told her things I know about her daughter  Although, I might consider a little investigation of my own and just happen to show up where the scum was going to be and just happen to have BFF with me....I might consider that. 

2. Soda in a can or a bottle?  I just say NO to soda.  But, when I did drink it, always in the bottle NEVER a can. 

3. What do you wash first, hair or body?  I wash my hair first and leave the conditioner in while I wash the rest of me. 

4. What advice would you give to any new mama?  Throw away those stupid books and follow your instincts!  NOBODY knows YOUR child better than YOU! 

5. What is your best hangover remedy?  Drink LOTS of water during and after your little drinking binge and you won't wake up with a hangover.  Hangover headaches are the result of dehydration.  This newsworthy piece of information brought to you by the mother of four Lovelies who all attended college. Money well spent.   

Have a fantabulous weekend everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Random Nonsense and Other Things

I am sitting here in total amazement right now because 1. the sky is DARK and b. I can hear THUNDER which means WE MIGHT BE GETTING SOME RAIN!  And we need it!  The humidity is so thick and heavy out there that something simply HAS GOT to give!  Our walk this morning was just as bad as yesterday as far as the humidity goes.  It was so heavy I felt as though I was carrying an extra 30 lbs around with me!

Our air conditioning stopped working yesterday afternoon.  That was bad.  Real bad.  Because the hotter I get, the worse my mood gets.  I am the most unpleasant person on the face of the earth when I'm really, really hot. I get mad when my shirt gets sweaty and touches me and then my hair starts sticking to my face and neck and that only gets me madder.  Then, I start looking for people to provoke.  Which is why I spend most of the summer INSIDE away from people.  Luckily, Hubs' BFF is an a/c guy and he came over to check it out.  It was a simple/quick fix and I am still grateful!  The thing I love most during the summer is my a/c!  Dodged a bullet there!

Doodlebug and company have arrived safely in West Virginia for the All Good Music Festival.  Those pictures should be very interesting...I should have some to post next week.  She came by for a few things she needed last night.  We went through a check-list of items they might need and she had it all.  We gave her hugs and kisses and she went back to finish her packing.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere (or maybe from 'mom land') I realized that she had not gotten her tickets!  She and Gibbsterrific had me hang on to their tickets for safekeeping and DoodleBug left the house without them!  Luckily, Birdie was coming over this way for Trivia so she picked them up and took them downtown!  Whew!  Yet another bullet dodged!

Please, please if you haven't already, go visit Carol at Facing 50 with Humour and give her a congratulatory hughighfivepatontheback for having her VERY FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED!  This is so exciting not only for Carol but for all of us who have come to know and love her and her sense of humor!  CONGRATULATIONS CAROL!   

DoodleBug sent me an email with a link that some of you might be interested in.  Here's the email:

Hey Lady,
I'm pretty sure you said you were a livestrong member, which means you already got this link, but I thought I'd send it to you just in case;

It's a really good article about eating/living healthier and though there are a few misspellings and grammatical errors, it's pretty inspiring! Thought about your bloggy thing and thought you might want to share it with your weight-loss group for some supportive reads!  


Hope it's nice and cool where you are.  If not, I hope you're sitting in front of an air conditioning vent or poolside! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Wednesday HOPS

If you're stopping by for the weight loss portion of today's post, just scroll down.  If you're here for Wednesday Hodge Podge, it's the first HOP today.  If you're here for BOTH, just start reading and keep on to the end!

FIRST is WEDNESDAY HODGE PODGE from Joyce at From This Side of the Pond.  This one is a great way to get to know some wonderful new bloggy friends and learn more about some old ones...not that I'm calling anyone OLD, mind you.   

1. How has your hometown changed since you were a kid? What has changed most about the neighborhood you grew up in?  I do visit my hometown from time to time since my aunt still lives there (but, trust me, if she didn't live there, I'd never go back) and NOT ONE SINGLE THING has changed.  The people are all still a bunch of yahoos (and I am not referring to that yummy-lish chocolate flavored drink). 

2. What song makes you laugh? This one:

3. Are you a fan of Harry Potter? Read the books? Seen any/all of the movies? Will you be standing in line somewhere close to midnight later this week? For those of you playing along today who live outside the US or UK is Harry Potter a phenomenon in your part of the world?  I have not read one single word nor have I seen any of the movies.  HOWEVER, every single one of the lovelies has read every single book (multiple times) and they have seen all the movies on the opening night showings at midnight.  And that includes BestSonInLawEVER!  I have no idea why I haven't read and seen all of it but it just never appealed to me.  My BFF says that if I start I will LOVE them.  Maybe after I finish all the LOST episodes. 

4. If the truth hurts, will you tell a lie? Are we better off as a society in a world that allows no form of deception whatsoever? I hate lying and find it extremely difficult to even think about telling one.  However, I did participate in the telling of Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy...even though I still believe in Santa.  But, outside of that kind of thing, no. I tell people that if they don't want to know, then don't ask me because I'm won't even sugar coat anything.  I don't hate people who don't tell the truth but I don't respect them either.  Besides, do any of us really look that good sporting a Pinocchio nose?

5. What is your favorite 'sauteed in garlic and butter' food? Or garlic and olive oil if that makes you feel better.  Shrimp, dahling.  Of course.

6. Attending any reunions this summer/year? High school? family? Other? Do these events stir up excitement or dread?  I do not attend high school reunions because I still dislike all those people.  I don't attend college ones either--undergrad or grad---but I am in touch with my buds from those days!  Every summer we have my mother's family reunion and I LOVE going to it!  They are just the sweetest, kindest folks you'd ever want to meet!  That's Papa (my great grandfather) in the picture at the reunion back in the early to mid 60s. 

7. Lilac, hydrangea, peony...pick one. Most flowers send my allergies into a frenzy so I don't particularly love the really smelly ones.  But I do love Gerber Daisies.  Love, love, love them!

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Preseason will begin in LESS THAN one month!  Did you read that?!  LESS THAN ONE MONTH!  And I am so ready--but then, I'm ALWAYS READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!  

AND last night Birdie and I went to the Adidas store to get some new walking/running shoes.  Everything was going along quite nicely until I turned around and BAM!  There is was.  A full length mirror.  Immediately my inner voice said, "Look at that!  You're still fat!"  Whereupon I immediately replied, "No shit Sherlock."  Which immediately sent my inner voice into shock and I haven't heard from him since.  (Notice how I call my inner voice a 'him'...hahahahaha).   

AND I enjoyed walking in my new shoes this morning.  BUT, DANG!  It's so humid out there that I thought this might be the day that the weather down here actually kills me!  As a matter of fact, just ignore anything I have said previously about the heat because, compared to today, those days were merely warm.  This kind of heat is one of the reasons I never ask, "Could it get any worse?"  Because the answer is always yes! It was in the 80s at 6:00 am!  Right now (it's only 7:30) it's 83 but, with the humidity, it feels like 93 which means that, by lunch time, hello hundreds!  Which is why I will be inside paying homage to my air conditioner!   

AND, Carol over at Facing 50 with Humour has had her FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED--Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines!  Hop on over there and give her a congratulatory shout!  Major congrats Twin!  I am so proud of you!

AND, you will be glad to know, this ends all my random ramblings.  For today.

The SECOND HOP is from Patrice, at Everyday Ruralty, who hosts Wednesday Words of Weight Loss every Wednesday!  It's a fun HOP that offers encouragement and company on the issue of weight.  It's never too late to join!  Come on, this is your week to join in the FUN!  

  1. Is there someone in your town who makes you turn and walk the other way to avoid  them? Please, please, tell me I'm not alone.  Well, if I lived in the town where I went to high school, I would avoid EVERYONE.  Around here, not so much.  Or, if I do, it's because I have no desire to stand in the heat or at the grocery store and have an indepth conversation about crap I don't care about.  HOWEVER, there are people I knew when, that I would avoid because I would hate to see the look in their eyes when they realized who I was and that I now look like two people instead of one. So, no.  You are NOT alone. 
  2. Have you ever tried juicing?  Yes.  We have a juicer and the juice is fantastic!  It gives you a major rush and energy buzz that stays with you for a couple of hours!  I'm not using it lately though because I don't want to count those calories in my daily intake.
  3. Do you feel better with long hair, short hair, or something in between? I feel better with medium to long hair even though I twist it into one of those buns Patrice mentioned above every single day of my life.  I look like an elephant with a head the size of a mouse when my hair is short. 
  4. Have you ever seen a large fireworks display in person?  Yep. When I was little we used to watch the ones in Charlotte, NC.  When the lovelies were growing up, we always went out to Sullivan's Island and watched the ones in Charleston. 
  5. What's the most unusual meal you have made?  You won't find an unusual meal around here because I'm a regular food person.  If it's foreign or gourmet or uses 'interesting' ingredients?  Then I'm not making it OR eating it!  I don't like unusual food. Or, at least, I don't think I do because I've never actually tasted unusual food. LOL

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Purge Monster is Back...Sort of

How is it that the children grow up and leave the nest but all of their 'stuff' stays behind?  Hubs and I have lived in an empty nest for two years now and, to look at our humble abode, one would swear that all the lovelies are still living right here with us.

There is no extra closet space because the closets are all full of their 'stuff'--ok, some of it IS my stuff but not that much.  Besides, I LIVE here so my stuff is SUPPOSED to be in the closets and anywhere else that I so choose to put it.  Right?

Some of you might recall the Great Purge of 2010 when I had grand ideas as to what to do with all this 'stuff.'  Which turned into me not being able to part with about 3/4s of the memories that accompanied said 'stuff.'

The tide has turned now, my friends.  I am no longer concerned with the memories.  What does concern me--it's practically consuming me at this point- is my desire to simplify my life.  And, in order to simplify my life, the 'stuff' has got to be organized and dealt with.  It's time for another purge.

Sure, part of this whole simplifymylife idea is that I want to redecorate a couple of rooms.  But I want simplicity as well.  I want only the things that NEED to be kept to stay here.  All the EXTRAS have lost their appeal.  Then I want what is retained to be put away in the proper places---nice and orderly.

I would also like to purge the people who bother me from my life.  The bad neighbors who live on one side of us---the drunks--remember them?  They're the ones who get drunk and yell obscenities at one another all weekend long so that no one else on the street can enjoy a weekend in their own backyards?  And then there are the family members on one side of the family who suck the life right out of their brother leaving nothing for the rest of us...EVER.  Purge, purge, purge.

And then there's all this excess weight of my own that needs to be purged from my life.  On this front, at least, progress is being made.  I've joined the Slimmer this Summer Challenge and tackled it head on for some rather impressive results (if I do say so myself).  The whole process seems easier this time- even with the frustration that creeps up behind me every so often.   

The determination does not seem to be lacking anymore so I have no idea what's holding me back.  Nevertheless, watch out 'stuff' of the lovelies!  Watch out badstupiddrunk neighbors!  Watch out certainidiotfamilymembersofyouknowwho!  I'm coming for y'all next. 

Just as soon as I finish all those episodes of LOST that Breezy and BestSonInLawEVER got me hooked on. 

But then-- I'm coming!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fessin' Up Day: Week 5

It's time for the Slimmer this Summer update/check-in/fess up post for week number 5.

I was able to stay true to my goals for the challenge again this week!

Water intake: I was able to drink 64 oz of water each and every day followed by another 16-24 oz of my beloved iced green tea made with spring water, Splenda, and lemon juice.  No changes here!

Exercise: I walked every day again for a WEEKLY total of 17 miles (someone actually thought I walked 17 miles EACH day---I almost killed myself laughing!). We have been leaving earlier in the mornings, before the heat sets in too bad, and a couple of days were coolish due to some actual RAIN!  (Of course all that ended today apparently because when we left at 6:20 for our walk, it was already brutally hot out there).  I continued Pilates 5 of the 7 days- took the weekend off because it was busy around here! Coupled with the fact that I don't exercise in front of people--mostly because I'm not as serious when others are around.

Calories: Once again (and I am so grateful), I have not had trouble with keeping the calories down. STILL giving credit for this to 1- (where I record my caloric intake and exercise); b- Debbi's delicious recipes; 3-my own sheer determination; and d-the challenge.

Here's the breakdown for week five:
  • Monday:824 (I was so busy feeding the college masses that I didn't eat much myself)
  • Tuesday:1274
  • Wednesday:1337
  • Thursday:1283
  • Friday:1299
  • Saturday: 1135
  • Sunday: 1140 (Oh, and last week's Sunday total was 1154)
  • Total calories for the week: 8292  (and my total from last week was: 7807---somehow I forgot to put Sunday's total and the week total in last week's, I put it in today's...actually, I know what happened.  I write this post on Sunday and fill in Sunday and the total on Sunday night or Monday morning and I just forgot).
Discoveries?  Not really.But, FYI:  I do not count NET CALORIES on  I record my calories and exercise, but I don't count it as extra calories that I can eat.  IF I did, for example, my net calories for MONDAY would have been 451.  So, no.  I don't do it that way.

Goal changes? None this week.

Here are the numbers for week 5:

Weight loss:  -5 lbs (Total for 5 weeks: 27 pounds gone forever!)

Inches: -2" total (chest:= -1; hips = -1; waist = -0; neck = -0)  Total for 3 weeks:-17.5 inches off forever!

 I continue to wait on the proverbial 'other shoe to drop.  I'm extremely grateful that it hasn't but I have no idea what the future holds.  All any of us can do is continue to take this thing one hot summer day at a time, right?

I overheard Hubs, who works outside at the Port, talking to the weather dude (aka Mr. State the Obvious) on tv this morning before he left for work:  "Heat wave?  No sh*t! You guys must have a crystal ball."  Yes indeed!  It's HOT and HUMID which equals MISERABLE out there folks!  How awesome would it be if all the sweat from walking was actually pounds gone?!  Pretty freaking awesome I'd say!  Pretty freaking awesome!   
Hope everyone has a fantabulous week!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Week in the Proverbial Nutshell and a Walmart Beotch

I can honestly say that this week was better than the last one.  Although our thoughts and prayers are still with Kiki's family---and will be for some time.

So, here's my week in a

The heat and humidity are still making life miserable around here on a daily basis.  Nevertheless, Tuck and I are still out in the mornings taking our walks.  When we get home Tuck passes out on the floor and I proceed to wring the sweat out of my sopping wet clothes.  Geesh.  And it's ONLY July.  UGH. The really good news is that we have had two storms and they both---sit down for this...are you sitting?--contained RAIN!  That's right!  WE GOT RAIN!!!

DoodleBug and 7+ friends are leaving Wednesday for All Good.  This is a music festival (and camp out) in West Virginia that lasts for 4 days...with no showers.  Boy, are they gonna be ripe when they get back!  I remember when DoodleBug and Birdie went to Bonnaroo for the first time.  I suggested that, since they were tired, that they stop at Mimi's (my mother) house to shower and nap before driving that last hour and a half home.  They agreed.  My thoughts were that I wouldn't have to smell them or clean their clothes!  There were showers available at Bonnaroo but they cost $7.00 each time and my girls are NOT going to pay $7.00 for a shower.

Here's a sample of some of the music they'll hear:  PRIMUS; PRETTY LIGHTS; moe.; UMPHREY'S MCGEE; STS9; JOHN BUTLER TRIO; Dark Star Orchestra; Warren Haynes Band; YONDER MOUNTAIN STRING BAND; KELLER WILLIAMS; rebelution; GALACTIC featuring COREY GLOVER of LIVING COLOUR and COREY HENRY of REBIRTH BRASS BAND; TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS; JJ GREY & MOFRO; KARL DENSON'S TINY UNIVERSE; THE BRIDGE; BIG GIGANTIC; Donna the Buffalo; THE INFAMOUS STRINGDUSTERS; BEATS ANTIQUE; PAPADOSIO; TOUBAB KREWE; Greensky Bluegrass; That 1 Guy; HOT BUTTERED RUM; Marco Benevento; ZACH DEPUTY; These United States; The Werks; EVERYONE ORCHESTRA; J. Roddy Walston and the Business; GIANT PANDA GUERILLA DUB SQUAD; DANA FUCHS; Lubriphonic; Dangermuffin; ORGONE; The Recipe; All Mighty Senators; Fletcher's Grove; The Rex Jam Hosted by Matt Butler & Everyone Orchestra; FURTHUR featuring PHIL LESH & BOB WEIR...

And here's a video of All Good Music Festival 2010---it's long but just the first minute or two will give you an idea-- Ah, youth--how I miss mine!

I'm pretty sure that the lovelies were born in the wrong decade. 

Moving day for Birdie is getting closer.  I still wish she wasn't going so dang far away!  It takes forever and a day to get to Texas from here.  Luckily, a good friend's son lives only a couple of hours away from where Birdie will be and he will get to her if she needs anything.  It's ONLY two years, right?  Anyone with dry shoulders out there?

And then, this morning at Walmart the beotch of all beotches-  this woman came into the store loaded for bear.  I could tell by the look on her face and the way she was cutting other shoppers off with her cart.  So, when it was MY turn to be cut off, I refused to yield.  Yeah, I don't play that game very well.  Seriously, do NOT provoke me because the chances of me just standing there and taking it like the other shoppers is slim to none! Guess she forgot to check and see whether or not the HEAD beotch was shopping this morning.  

That's it for this week!  Hopefully we'll have some pix from All Good to share next week...or maybe we won't want to see them...

Hope everyone has a fantabulous week ahead!  And remember to smile!  It makes people wonder what you've been up to!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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