Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Normally, we host another oyster roast on New Year's Eve. This year, we have postponed the festivities for a few weeks. We do this for my dad who LOVES oysters but my step-mom had to have a kidney stone removed Thursday so they can't make it just yet. BTW: The surgeon couldn't get the whole stone out and she has to go back next week and do it again. Apparently, they can only stay in the kidney for 90 minutes without causing damage. Plus, Hubs isn't feeling well and oyster roasts are a lot of work for both of us.

So, I made my She-Crab Soup and Bourbon Shrimp on Charleston Grits for DoodleBug and company.

Westerful and Gibbsterrific.

HannahBanana and Benjamin.

DoodleBug and Sambonie and Sambonie's roomie

DoodleBug and Tucker

They clean up nice, don't they?

The roomies- lovely ladies. All three are education majors.

All dressed up and barefoot. Oh, and the bow ties that the boys are wearing? A very southern fashion statement. Just like seersucker suits.

All dressed up and barefoot...and sock footed. Another southern gentleman.

Pre-party picture. We probably don't want to see any post party pix! LOL Oh, and the two in the front are southern boys too. You'll just have to excuse them. They go to Clemson. ;)

So New Year's Eve wasn't a bust after all!

Happy New Year!

Tomorrow, another weight loss challenge begins!


  1. Happy New Year! Lovely pictures. Education majors: fantastic! We need more exemplary teachers!

  2. Happy New Year! I need a weight loss challenge. I need to put the cookies down and walk ways.

    I am a guidance counselor. Education majors rule ;)!

  3. Once upon a time I was an education major, too. I don't remember ever looking this good for a party! They are all so beautiful.
    Happy New Year!

  4. I just can't resist saying, "You throw good pups!"

    Happy New Year!

  5. Looks like a fun party. Very nice looking young men and ladies. Happy New Year.

  6. Looks like they had a nice party.
    Happy New Year!

  7. Betty- Yep, joining another one. I don't know why though. I'm getting rather tired of all this tracking.

    Michele- Yes! DoodleBug has wanted to be a teacher since she was a little girl! Happy New Year!

    bhb- There are a lot of challenges out there so it's easy to find one that suits you. Guidance counselors rock!

    Stephanie- They do clean up nice, don't they? LOL

    Gail- LOL Happy New Year!

    Roan- This was the pre-party. I'm sure that, later, they looked just like regular college students. LOL

    Debby- They all wanted to dress up. No telling what they looked like around midnight! LL

  8. Glad that at least you could have a fun New Year's. Mine was quiet- beyond quiet.

  9. Hi Pam. Love the fact that everyone is all dressed up so nicely! (Well, apart from those two male gatecrashers. Hee Hee!!). Love it also when your house is filled with your daughters and all their friends. I'm sure you are the hostest with the mostest! Hugs.

  10. Michele- It was beyond quiet once the kids left to go party.

    Diane- They did look quite nice, didn't they? I love that too! I often wish they were all still here because our house was like that all the time! Thanks!

  11. Hey Pam,
    They do all look beautiful!! I bet you have enjoyed yourself. I started a new weight loss blog today. I am calling it For The Last Time 2012, I will post my picture each weight after I weigh so maybe in 52 weeks I will have lost. :)
    I put the link on my field of dreams page.
    I want to see what your new challenge is for the New Year.
    I guess I am seeing how much I can humiliate myself in order to finally achieve this dumb goal.
    I just hope it is fun. :)
    I really think I have totally flipped my lid.
    Happy New Year

  12. i just LOVE your pics...and the bow ties!
    when we have a special breakfast, I do the Southern Living garlic shrimp cheese grits...
    surely would like to try your crab soup...can't go wrong with that!
    Happy New Year!

  13. FG- I'll check out your new blog! And encourage you every step of the way! And it's not a dumb goal! It's a step towards a longer life and healthier lifestyle!

    skoots- I'll try to remember to post the soup for you! I might need a reminder. Or 5. LOL

  14. Looks like a great way to ring in the new year. I love the tree, so pretty. Happy, Happy New year!


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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
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