It's a rainy day in the neighborhood! And, if the temps were in the 40s, it would be perfect. But they are not. It's in the upper 60s- low 70s. Which has led to a terrible sinus flare-up for me. Rainy winter days? LOVE THEM. Warm winter days? Make me sick. Literally. UGH.
If you're here for Chats on the Farmhouse Porch or Get Wired Wednesday only, then scroll down.
First up is
WEDNESDAY HODGE PODGE from Joyce at From This Side of the Pond. This meme is fun and sometimes even poses a challenge (read: she makes us use our noggins!).
1. Lake Superior University has once again published a list of words/phrases they think should be banished from the Queen's English in 2012-
amazing, baby bump, shared sacrifice, occupy, blowback, man cave, the new normal, pet parent, win the future, trickeration, ginormous, and thank you in advance.
Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Go
here to read more about how the words are chosen.
I am not particularly fond of 'thank you in advance'--all that is is a manipulation tactic. And I don't like those. But I use amazing and ginormous all the time. And I will continue doing so regardless of what happens to them.
2. Are you easily embarrassed? I used to be but not so much anymore. It mostly depends on who it is that said what. :)
3. What is your go-to snack? Orville Reddenbacher's little 100 calorie smart pop thingys.
4. Have you ever been to Washington D.C.? If not do you have any desire to go? What site/attraction would you most want to see in that city? If you have been, what's your favorite site/attraction? I have been to DC but it was long ago when I was about 15. Do I have a desire to go now? Absolutely! The site/attraction I would most want to see? DEANIE! When I was there before, I think the Lincoln Memorial was my favorite place.
5. sit ups-planks-lunges-squats...which do you hate the least? Didn't even have to think about this one- situps. I can't do the lunges or squats or my knee will go out. And planks are stupid. LOL
6. What's a small act of kindness you were shown that you've never forgotten? I guess I've never seen one. Either that or my head is so full from inflamed sinuses that I can't remember one. Geez. I hope it's the latter.
7. Have you ever been a blood donor? Yes. And it is not bad at all!
8. Insert your own random thought here. I have no random thought today. My everything is better ruled by a stupid sinus flare-up. UGH.
Next up is a HUMP DAY HOP from Patrice at
Everyday Ruralty called
Chats on the farmhouse porch! Patrice made a very nice video for us this week! So hop on over there and check it out! And she's maybe making us another one soon featuring Wendell who is only the bestest horse in the whole wide world!

- How often do you wear a skirt or dress? Practically NEVER.
- Did you feel unmotivated after Christmas and New Years? Not really. But I do feel empty so, in order to not let that feeling take over, I get busy on projects. That and being sick. UGH.
- What was the last thing that made you say "Wow"? Wow in a good way, or Wow in a bad way like I can't believe how stupid soandso is? LOL I am always saying WOW when the lovelies do something (this is the good way) and I am always saying WOW when I stupidly watch the news- (this is the bad way).
- Do you shop with a list, or do you "wing it"? I try to use a list but, because I am famous for leaving my lists at home, I usually wing it. HOWEVER, since I found the shopping list app on my phone- I pretty much have a list each time! Yay me!
- I enjoyed this so much that I will ask this again. What questions would you like me to ask on our Chat?
- Do you have a home remedy for allergies or the common cold?
- When do you start planting seeds for your garden? Do you start them inside and move them outside or do you just plant them outside?
- What is your favorite thing about winter?
And NOW:
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I am sorry that you are feeling miserable. Nothing like sinus trouble. :-( The 'Thank you in advance' reminds me of 'Lord, forgive me for what I am about to do.' And how does one respond when someone says, 'Thank you in advance.' I think my response would be, 'WAIT!!!...'
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better soon.
Judy- Agreed! It's like the old saying- it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission!
ReplyDeleteBetty- It feels great! Except for the warm. Everything was turning brown around here too this past summer. Hope we don't get another one like that this year!
This weather is sooo bizarre!
ReplyDeleteNicole- Isn't it?! We're going to have an overabundance of gnats and other stupid bugs if we don't get some hard freezes!
ReplyDeleteI am with you on this weird weather. The only thing is we are having cold nights but during the day it is in the high 60s and 70s It is so weird.
ReplyDeleteI like you answers and I am so sorry you are sick.
But we haven't had any rain. It is so dry.
I wish I had a remedy to tell you but when it is sinus, I am at my wits end.
These winter temps have been crazy all over - today we will have temps around 50 degrees - tomorrow we may get six inches of snow. :(
ReplyDeleteI do like the first winter snow though - but when I am in the house and don't have to go anywhere!
As an ex-English teacher and a stickler fro grammar (well, I used to be), I should hate all these over-used words. But I don't. I love the way language changes - the more colorful, the better - bring it on!
ReplyDeleteFG- It's just crazy. And now I'm having to suffer because of it. See? It makes me not nice. LOL We needed this rain today!
ReplyDeletebiz-I imagine that is the same way I'd like the snow...when I can stay home and enjoy it!
Stephanie- What a great perspective!
I loooove rain! Except for it making you sick though! :)
ReplyDeleteMaren- I love it too! It's not the rain that made me sick- it's the high temps. We should be way lower now and, when this happens, I get sick. I am still enjoying the rain though! And the temps are cooling off after today- fingers crossed!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better quickly.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Oh and 'thank you in advance' was my 2nd choice, but I got long winded on my first choice 'new normal' so decided to leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteI happen to be in DC now visiting my favorite 'site'. I think you know what I mean : ). Feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteGreat question ideas! Yes- we should have a club for people who make lists and forget them! I'm notorious for it.
ReplyDeleteI haven't forgotten the tag. Soon.
Have a super week!
I hope you feel better soon, sinus issues stink.
ReplyDeleteLove hodge podge questions they are so much fun! Loved your answers!!
We need a Wednesday Hodgepodge trip to DC so we can all enjoy it together! Great way to meet each other. I wish more people would donate blood, it's really not bad at all.
ReplyDeleteColidal Silver....that is what I take to prevent colds and if I do get one I double the dose and it seems to shorten the cold a couple of days.
ReplyDeleteI plant my seeds in the house towards the end of February. Last year everything I planted and harvested came from seeds I started.
I like how bright it is out. Fresh and clean.
Love all your answers. Take care Pam and have a blessed evening.
Brenda-Thank you. I could have gotten long winded about 'thank you in advance' too. I think 'new normal' was my second choice.
ReplyDeleteJoyce- Indeed I do know exactly what you mean! I know you are enjoying every second! Thanks!
Patrice- Me too! My mother never leaves her lists and she adheres to them, strictly, on a daily basis. Too much structure for me. LOL
Lucy- Agreed on all counts! Thanks!
Debby-How awesome would that be for all of us to go to DC and meet?! I'm IN!
Julie-Thanks! I'll have to give it a try- once I figure out whether this is a cold or allergies! I think I prefer rainy days because we get so few of them!
Since I have always been a huge klutz, I don't embarass easily