Friday, January 20, 2012


It's time for FRIENDSHIP FRIDAY from Create With Joy.

Friendship Friday

Friendship Friday was designed to help bloggers meet new friends and comes with a question every week. This week's question is:

What inspired your blog name? My new-to-me-at-that-time situation inspired my the title of my blog. I was a brand new empty nester with nothing but time, dismay, and confusion on my hands. 

Just click on the button above and head over to join in Friendship Friday. The linky will be up all weekend!  

I'm also linking up with ---friend and follow with Jan over at Midlife Parenting 

Have a terrific weekend y'all!


  1. Hi Pam, Happy Friday! Friday at last eh?! Wishing you a nice and relaxing weekend! I like your name "Empty nester". Big hugs x

  2. It's always nice to know what inspires a name. It didn't have anything to do with your bird photos?

  3. You may be called "Empty Nester" but I so enjoy when your nest if full and you write all about it and post pictures! That's the best!

  4. It's been fun visiting the various blogs and reading about what inspired the name of their blog!

    Visiting from Friendship Friday :-)

  5. Betty- What a sweet thing to say! Thank you!

    Eva- Thanks! I know tomorrow will be great because DoodleBug and I will spend the day together! You have a good one too!

    Stephanie- It is fun to find out what inspires others! No, the bird blog was coincidental.

    Barb! How are you feeling? Aw, thanks! I enjoy it when it's full too!

    Marie- Thanks! I getting around to checking them out too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

Design by Imagination Designs
Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove