Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tropical Traditions

I've done it now. I've gone and signed up to participate in the May NaBloPoMo. YIKES! What WAS I thinking?! The good news is that you do NOT have to post something related to the month's theme, which is play. You just have to commit to writing a post every day this month. You can still sign up! Just click the button on my sidebar!

So, because Tropical Traditions coconut oil reminds me of a fun, playful time in Hawaii, I'm going to host a giveaway to get this playful month started!

I adore Tropical Traditions products! If you've never had the opportunity to try their coconut oil, or even if you have, you can WIN FREE COCONUT OIL!

That's right! Today is your lucky day! One wonderful follower will win 1 quart of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!

Y'all know how much I love me some coconut oil. And this Gold Label Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions fast became my very favorite! I love the way it feels (silky), tastes (glorious), and smells (coconutty).

Need more information? Try these sites:

Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil page

Tropical Traditions Home Page

 OR, check out this video:

Not sure how to Use Coconut Oil? There are hundreds of uses you can check out the Tropical Traditions webiste!

Need more info on how to buy Coconut Oil? Try: A guide to buying coconut oil online 

Still want more info? Try this:  What is Virgin Coconut Oil?

Just fill out the Rafflecopter and you'll be entered to win a quart jar of Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil! Sorry, US and Canada only.

Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose.  Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You really like it that much? I have some in my pantry, but I bought it to make soap. Do you eat it? Instead of what? Just curious. :) I really haven't read a thing about it.

  2. Oh goodness YES! I use it for cooking- it doesn't give off any toxins when heated so I use it instead of other oils including olive oil. I use it for oil pulling and various other healthful practices. I use it as a moisturizer instead of lotions. And I use it in my hair! Did I leave anything out? LOL

  3. I've had lots of of questions about coconut oil! Thanks for the information!

  4. Although I've never tried Coconut oil, I would love to as I've heard wonderful things about it!...:)JP

  5. BB- I LOVE it! Let me know if you want some other sites to check out!

    JP-It is FANTASTIC! We love it for everything!

  6. Betty- It's not me. It's the company that's not sending it internationally. Unfortunately. Try doing a search and see if you can find it through a company locally. If not, perhaps Tropical Traditions ships to you. As long as they aren't paying. LOL

  7. I have never tried it. But I would love something to thicken up my hair. Some of the meds I used to take made my hair fall out!

  8. Robin- Give it a try! I am amazed by the many uses of coconut oil!

  9. I looked at this stuff Pam but it's expensive and I didn't know what it was like. It would be cool to win so I could try it and like it then buy it...or at least try it.
    Take care and have a blessed evening.

  10. I don't tweet or facebook so I'm just going have to be very lucky.

  11. I love coconut oil for sautéing my veggies and moisturizing my face, what's not to like about that!!!!

  12. Good luck to those who are going to participate. I for one do not care for the coconut fragrance, so I'll pass on entering.

    I did want to stop by and say what a great thing it was for me to open my comments this morning and see that you had paid me a visit. It's always good to see an 'old' friend [I'm not talking age here!!!!] stop by to say hello to me.

  13. Julie- Well, maybe you'll win! Good luck!

    Gail- Don't worry. I'll include you in the drawing anyway!

    Shawn-Me too!

    Anni-I realized that you hadn't popped up in my sidebar lately and thought I had better get over there because I know you've been posting! So I did! LOL Our Deanie doesn't care for the coconut taste or smell either.

  14. I love how versatile coconut oil is!

  15. I love how it makes my granola taste.

  16. I like the taste and that is is a healthier oil.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  17. I've never had any coconut oil, but I'm pretty sure I'd like the scent.

  18. Do you eat it? Do you tan with it? Do you add some rum and a fancy umbrella and get sloshed with it? I don't care, if it's FREE, I'm IN baby!

  19. Oh! I've just read your comments and I see it's for eating and other stuff. I'm still tempted to add some rum, though...

  20. coconut oil is wonderful! use it for baking, love it for skincare and deodorant made with it is the best.

  21. I am soooo exicited! I've wanted to try coconut products since I saw an article that promoted the use of the oil to reverse the effects of altiemers disease!

    Now I'm finding out how great it is for other "normal" dilemas such as split ends, dry skin, exema as well as pet hot spots! AMAZING!! Thanks for promoting a great product. I hope I win!! :-D

  22. Oh darlin'...I've used it as my night cream for years!!! Cheap and effective! I get stopped in stores and asked what I use on my skin...I get strange looks when I tell 'em. Heeeheehhee!

    God bless ya and have a magnificent week sweetie!!! :o)

  23. it makes stovetop popcorn taste wonderful. ran02004@gmail.com

  24. I love it as an all over moisturizer and also to pop my popcorn!

  25. I love that you can use coconut oil in so many ways!

  26. I'm so excited to see so many of you entered in the giveaway! It's so easy to get behind something like coconut oil! We use it for so many things in our home! Good look to all of you and thank you so much for taking the time to enter! I very much hope we get to do this again soon!

  27. Kristen- I haven’t tried that yet!

    Sue D.- I do too!

    Mrs- Oh goodness! You just have to try it! You’ll never look back!

    Cathy- Girl you are a riot! LOL Good luck!

    apryl- Agreed on all counts!

    Anon- You will LOVE it! Good luck!

    Nezzy- I use it all over and it has made such a difference! Thanks!

    Leah-Really?! I’m going to have to try that!

    Rust- Me too! My skin is so much softer now!

    Courtney- I do too!

  28. love to use the oil in gluten free baking!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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