Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Heat Wave and Hodgepodge

Any of y'all dealing with the hottest temps so far this summer? We are. I hate it. I sincerely hope that the last days of summer end SOON.

The good news is twofold- football and the Hodgepodge!

1. What's something you're never too young or too old to enjoy? Football!!!

2. Share one happy memory from your high school years. Ha! Right. High school was horrible. No happy memories there. 

3. A nationwide strike of fast food employees took place in the U. S. last week...they're calling for higher wages and the right to unionize? Your thoughts? I have no thoughts about this at this time. I know I'd like to ask for higher wages.  

4. September is National Honey Month...what's a favorite dish you make or eat that calls for honey? I love homemade chocolate chunks and homemade honey and cream taffy--both made with raw honey. So delicious! 

5.  If you notice someone with a tag sticking out, a button unbuttoned, a shirt on inside-out, or some leftover lunch stuck between their teeth do you say something or do you keep quiet? I can't help myself so I speak out. After all, I would want someone to tell me!

6. What movie always makes you cry?  Or at least makes you feel like crying? Brian's Song, PS I Love You, An Affair to Remember...I almost start up just thinking about any of those! 

7.   'Mary Had a Little Lamb' was written in May of 1830, and published in Juvenile Miscellany in September of that same year.  Now for the fun part...create your own four line rhyme using that same tune. I am really, really bad at this but---

I am over all this heat
All this heat, all this heat.
I am over all this heat
Just ask all those I meet. 

At least there's football on TV
On TV, On TV.
At least there's football on TV
And AC in the house!

8.  Insert your own random thought here. Be on the lookout for some future posts regarding parenting. I've got tons on my mind and it just has to come out! I also remember that I owe y'all updates on the wedding planning. That's coming but I'll probably tie it in with the engagement party post in a couple of weeks. 

That's all for now! Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Baklava!! All time favorite. Second favorite is a peanut butter and honey sandwich on homemade whole wheat bread.

    1. Jean- I like baklava too! And I'm quite glad that I do not have access to it very often. LOL

  2. Nice answers but it is only September. I bet you have a few more warm days. :) Sorry, but you know the almanac said we wouldn't have cool temps until November. EEk, I should look and see what it says about you. :)

    1. Kim- I'm afraid you're right about the continued heat. I am so over it. Please check the Almanac and see what it has to say but if it says no cool off until November, then don't tell me.

  3. I always tell people when their tags our out. Definitely movies that bring tears to my eyes.

    1. Debby- I won't even watch those movies anymore. Unless I'm just up for a good cry.

  4. Love your poem! I cry at Brian's Song and An Affair to Remember, too. Don't think I've seen the other one you mentioned. Football!! Yes! It is still hot here, too. I'm ready to turn off the another month, maybe.

  5. Terri- If you haven't seen PS I Love You, don't. It's heart wrenching. I turn the AC down really low during football game so I can pretend it's cold. Lol

  6. Well we were down in the 40's overnite so I think fall is officially here. We love football in our house too, pro and college both. Loved seeing Peyton do so well last night, plus he's my hubs qb on his fantasy football team so win-win : )

    Hope all is going well with the wedding plans!


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