Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hallow Hodgepodge

Well, autumn showed up. And it was glorious. And then, it went away. Let me tell y'all, I am NOT a fan of low-country weather. NOT. A. FAN. Fall is supposed to return in a few days. Let's hope so!

Meanwhile, we've got the hodgepodge to keep us entertained! 

1. What's something you're dealing with that might be described as tricky? Nothing right now. Thankfully. 

2.  What's your treat of choice? Are you referring to food? Then I'd have to say ice cream. 

3. Did you/will you carve a jack-o-lantern this month? Which real (living or dead) or fictional 'Jack' would you most like to meet in person? Why? No, not this year. Jack Daniels... obvious reasons. LOL Probably Jack (officially John but known as Jack) Kennedy. Just to have a conversation with him would be so amazing. And insightful. 

4.  In your opinion, what's the grossest sounding word in the English language? Hahaha...well, when I thought about it, most on my list would not be gross sounding without their connotations. And, to be honest, I can't separate them from those connotations so I can't think of an actual gross sounding word. Sheesh. 

5. When did your heart last skip a beat? It's been YEARS. DECADES. 

6. Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Picket, Michael Jackson's ThrillerWerewolves of London by Warren Zevon, or Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters...your favorite 'scary' tune? I do love Thriller. But the lovelies and I are always singing Werewolves of London. Such a catchy tune. Plus, we really like to howl. Loudly. 

7.   It was a dark and stormy night when...funny, but I love dark and stormy nights and nothing strange or interesting has happened to me during one (and thankfully so). I just settle in and ride them out. They take me back and I enjoy the memories. I always think of Snoopy when I think about the prompt. :)

8.  Insert your own random thought here. The new computer has arrived! I have one thing to say---I am NOT a fan of Windows 8. NOT. A. FAN. But I AM a fan of a new computer SO--I will learn to love Windows 8. :)

Keep it positive, y'all! And have a great rest of the week! 


  1. Oh - I LOVE the Lowcountry weather! What can I say? I'm glad it freturned to norm and I can keep on wearing my flip-flops! ( :

  2. Ha-we like the howling too : ) Great minds!

  3. I think my laptop is a windows 8, Although i never use the word program, i can't figure that out anyway..
    I would choose ice cream but not in the cold months. :)

  4. Hope you get Windows 8 figured out. I actually love it once I learned how everything works.

  5. Marla- I don't love it at all. It's just too dang hot. And flip flops? It has to go below 40 for me to put them away. LOL I do so love the people around here though!

    Joyce- LOL We should all howl together sometime! :)

    Nikki- It's never really too cold around here for ice cream. I'm getting a bit used to Windows 8 already. I may have prejudged too harshly. Ooops. LOL

    Chaos- I'm getting it. It's just different. I probably prejudged too harshly.

  6. Enjoyed reading your answers and hooray for the new computer!

  7. Debby- I'm so glad to finally have one that works. I hope it lasts a good long time! Thanks!

  8. Let me know if you still hate Windows 8 - we needed to program our laptop so it looked "normal" because we hated Windows 8 that much!

  9. I enjoyed your hodgepodge! Everyone I know hates Windows 8 when they get it, then they love it. Keep us posted.

  10. Biz- I'm getting used to it. It's just different. It was quite daunting at first, but I'm getting there. It almost makes me feel smart to be able to navigate it. LOL

    Terri- Thanks! I'm thinking that I'll be just like them! LOL

  11. Hope you and your computer are getting to know each other and your relationship grows to be a beautiful one.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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