Friday, November 15, 2013

What Did We Do All Week?

Friday arrived! It's here! It's today! If it wasn't Friday, I would definitely have to call in sick tomorrow. We've been very busy in the lab this week working on hall displays for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

The second graders have been learning how to manipulate Microsoft Office Word. They learned how to choose and change their font and the font size. And they created their own Thanksgivingy tongue twisters--they also know about alliteration now.

Here are few for y'all:

Yep. We've been very busy this week! :)

Have a fantastic weekend, y'all!

November NaBloPoMo


  1. Wow! I was so surprised to find out that a lot of schools do not teach cursive any more!!!! ...:)JP

  2. JP- We don't either. It seems we're moving more and more towards computer generated work. Even the standardized tests are going in that direction.

  3. Loved Turkey time ticks and tocks. I thought that second grader was brilliant! Love the post - thanks for sharing

  4. confessions- That second grader is brilliant. AND autistic. He is one of my favorite students. :)

  5. Man! those second graders are WAY AHEAD of me. You are certainly a good teacher to get them this far ahead of the norm! I'm still working on learning Micro Soft office!!!

  6. Rosemary- Hahaha! I think the key here is that kids are quick learners and not afraid to push a button. :) Thanks!

  7. I do find it distressing that they aren't learning cursive, but man are they gonna be computer whiz kids! I think they're born with computer skills these days!

  8. nancy- I don't think kids around here have been taught cursive since my girls were in school. I agree with you on the computer skills too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

Design by Imagination Designs
Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove