Thursday, June 26, 2014

Top Ten Summer Smells

Since this is a summer of nostalgia for me, I thought I'd include my favorite summer senses.

Here is the summer smell list:

1. Suntan lotion. I love the smell of suntan lotion. It's so calming to me.

2. Pina coladas. These cover smell and taste!

3. Our neighbor's grill. I don't know what he uses but when this man grills, it's HEAVENLY! What's your secret, Joe? Tell!

4. Noxzema. While I don't use this product, I have been known to buy a small jar just for the memories its odor evokes.

5. Impending rain. It smells so fresh and clean in the summer. 

6. Freshly mowed grass. Even though it makes me sneeze and my eyes water, I still appreciate the freshness of it's smell.

7. The sea air. We're only three miles from the beach and the smell of the ocean air has gotten in my blood. I can't imagine not having that smell every single day.

8. Wisteria. The smell is just right. Not overpowering and not too sweet. AND, a little bit of it doesn't make my allergies go nuts.

9. Honeysuckle! LOVE that smell! We had some in our backyard when I was a kid and I loved picking the blossoms and sucking out the sweet nectar.

10. Pools. Yep, I love the smell of a pool. Even though it makes my eyes water. LOL It reminds me of summer and the fun we kids had at the neighborhood pool every summer.

What smells are on your summer smell list?

Stayed tuned for my favorite summer tastes, sounds, sights and sensations!


  1. I like all those smells, but must stay away from the flowers. I can get a wicked migraine from heavily scented flowers (like honeysuckle). Noxzema is a childhood memory - acne! LOL It does smell good, though. Haven't thought of it in years!

  2. If you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain ...
    Seems this year I've been posting more and more musical memories. Your pina colada selection reminded me of this old hit. Good selection of smells. I find the pool smell and it's chlorine sorta odd. Hey I know someone who likes the smell of gasoline.

  3. Oddly, my favorite smells are about the same. I do not get to smell the ocean.

  4. # 1,5,7,,9 are some of my favorite too, though instead of 3 blocks, I have to drive 3 hours to get the smell of the ocean…still worth it though.

  5. Pina coladas and the grill -- yummm!!

  6. The more of your posts I read, the more I see we have a lot of the same likes.

    I like the smell/taste of (alcohol-free) Pina Coladas.
    The smell of a grill. Brings back memories of my Dad's cookouts.
    The smell of impending rain.
    The smell of freshly mowed grass.
    The ocean breeze. Although I haven't visited the ocean in ages.
    When we lived in S.C. we had honeysuckle in our yard. I also liked sucking the nectar out.
    Yep, I don't know why..I love the smell of a pool.

    I hope your having a great summer!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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