Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Heat Be Gone Hodgepodge

It's been a long, hot summer, y'all and I'm OVER it. I'm not a fan of the summer heat and enough is enough. I am ever hopeful that fall will bring some cooler temps but you just never know in the low-country. Fingers crossed!

Meanwhile, let's all enjoy the Hodgepodge!

1.  Are there any men or women in blue on your family tree? No. 

2. Are you someone who suffers from the Sunday night blues? I used to be. What helps you get over it? Nothing, really. Coming off a weekend, especially during football season, was always rough. It wasn't the job- the job was great. It was the fact that I HAD to get up early and go straight into a fast routine so I could get up to school on time. There's a lot to pack into a morning when you have to go to work even if your kids are all grown up. I do better with leisurely morning routines. 

3. I read the color blue is an appetite suppressant since there are very few naturally blue foods out there. How do you feel about blue cheese? Meh. Love it or blech? If you're a fan, what's something you like that's made with blue cheese? I use it rarely. Lovely 1 LOVES blue cheese. There is a blue cheese burger that I've had that was really good. Blue cheese is a bit strong for my bland taste buds. 

4. We can't head in to the Labor Day weekend without a related question, can we? Complete this thought: I work best when everyone leaves me alone.

5. 'Everything yields to diligence.' Antiphanes Your thoughts? (on this particular quote or on diligence in general) All I can say is that when I work carefully and give it my absolute best  on anything from work-work to a craft project, I produce much better quality work than when I try to rush through. 

6. The National Park Service turned 100 years old on August 25th. Have you been to many of America's National Parks? I've been to 5.  If so share with us a favorite or two. I loved going to the Everglades when I was a kid and I enjoyed Sequoia. Not enough to want to go back, however.  Which National Park would you most like to visit before the next birthday rolls around? Any of the ones in Alaska or Montana look worthy. 

7.  Bid farewell to August in seven words or less. Take your hot temps with you. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. Do you ever feel as though you simply did not think something through before you acted on that thought? You'd think I am old enough to know better but, apparently, I am not. 


It's Day 31 of the August Happiness Challenge but I owe one for the 30th as well. 

Day 30: Watching my sweet pup do just about anything makes me happy! Even watching him sleep after a long day of helping keep an eye on Baby M and chasing squirrels. He's a busy boy!

Day 31: Participating in the Happiness Challenge made me happy! And it made me look, DILIGENTLY (see what I did there?), for my happy every day. It also got me back into gratitude journaling! A worthy challenge indeed!

Have a great rest of the week, y'all!


  1. Oh I've never acted on something without thinking it through first-ha! wink! Montana is on my list of places to visit one of these days too : ) Enjoy your day and your little cutie pie!

    1. Oh, good. It's nice to know I'm not alone in that boat. :) I think Montana is beautiful! I'd love to go and stay a while. Friends who have gone have told me that I would love it there. I'm not sure about the winters though. I like cold but that's a bit of overkill. LOL Thank you!

  2. What a cute little puppy!! Have a great weekend.

  3. Your sweet pup does look so peaceful there ...

    As it will soon be September,may the month be a good one for you

    All the best Jan

    1. He is out like that every night. It's all that squirrel hunting in the backyard. LOL We don't usually cool down until late October/early November. When that happens, I'll feel so much better! :) Thanks!

  4. I was kind of bah-humbug on the National Parks. They are beautiful, but I can't hike (or walk far) anymore and don't care for camping...just a drive through perhaps. Tucker is a sweetie! How does he like Baby M?

    1. I'm not much into camping anymore myself. But there are some beautiful parks out there. A drive though would be fun. I could hike but I doubt I'd make it very far. Maybe a quarter of a mile. LOL He LOVES her! When she cries, he runs to her and then to me like he's telling me to come get her. So sweet!

  5. I hope to visit more National Parks when Mark retires. I love them. Hope your having a nice week.

    1. I like them too. I'd love to go to Alaska or Montana. Or Maine. Anywhere without heat and humidity at this point. :)

  6. I am looking forward to the warmer days, one of which we are having today warm but not not as I still have long pants on so not hot. I do not like blue cheese can't stand the sight, smell or taste of it just saying.

    1. I'm that way with Feta cheese. UGH. Warm doesn't bother me but we haven't had warm, we've had ridiculous HOT. THAT, I do not like. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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