How's the heat in your neck of the woods? It's oppressive here. Still.It seems hotter this year but, do we say that every summer? Hmmm. I'm looking forward to some cooler temps so I can get back outside and walk. Poor Tucker can't even stand it. The last time we walked, he stopped the last half mile and I had to carry him. Ten pounds doesn't seem like much until you have to carry it in the oppressive summer heat of the low-country. Once it cools a bit, we'll take Baby M for walks and, if Tucker gets too hot or tired, he can ride in the stroller. :)
Luckily, today is Wednesday and that means staying inside near the AC vent and enjoying the Hodgepodge!
1. It's National Waffle Day (August 24th)...what decision are you currently 'waffling over'? (or share one you've recently 'waffled over') Rugs. I can't seem to make up my mind and, when I do, I refuse to pay THAT much for a stupid rug.
2. It's the middle of August, but I'm already seeing lots of autumn-related posts. Do you think we rush the seasons? I feel like I rush fall but that's because I hate the summer heat. Summer would be fine if it didn't bring such oppressive heat with it. I think others aren't really rushing the seasons but are lucky enough to already be feeling the change in temps. The stores don't rush the seasons. They rush the holidays. If so, does that bother you? Not really. I do tend to get a little envious of those who live in areas where they're already feeling some cooler temps but when they get crazy below freezing temps in the winter, that feeling goes away. Until I see their snow, then it comes back. I saw (here) an end of summer bucket list that included-
make s'mores, read a new (or favorite) book in the park, eat something delicious and bad for you at a state fair, be a tourist for the day, have a pot luck picnic, book a last minute summer getaway, relax by or in the pool, take a hike to watch the sunset, have a day on the lake, try a new summer recipe
Which activities on the list might you squeeze in before summer officially comes to a close? I've done all the summer related activities I care to do. Plus, I'm busy working on the nursery at my house for Baby M! Here's a sneak peek:
Can y'all even tell the color in this one? It's a mint green. Kind of what you'd find in a 1950s house. I'll have better pictures later. The painting is complete now the clean-up and moving furniture around and putting together the crib...This has been a PROJECT, y'all. |
3. Your favorite summertime 'art' found in nature? Nature tends to look the same down here regardless of the weather. I remember more seasonal changes pre-hurricane Hugo. Now, everything seems the same year round except for the leaves on the trees which fall off in the winter. We don't even get the beauty that fall brings to other areas. I'm going to go with the various shades of green that I see among the trees. So many shades of one color. It's pretty amazing. There's also a lovely emerald green that you can see in the ocean some days and I only see that in the summer months.
4. Stephen R. Covey is quoted as saying 'We judge ourselves by our intentions, and others by their actions.' Agree or no? No. I try not to judge at all but y'all know how that goes. I have no way of knowing the intentions of others and you really don't know what they are doing. I think I judge more by who I think they are rather than what I see them do. Do you define yourself based on your intentions, your actions, or something else? I define myself based on the person I am not on what I want to do or the things I do, do. What? Does that even make sense?
5. Are you useful in a crisis? It depends. Elaborate. If I'm expected to administer some sort of medical service then, no, I am not useful. However, if I'm expected to remain calm, maintain some level of logic, and know who to call and follow directions until they arrive then, yes, I am useful. I will break down after all is said and done, though.
6. What's been your go-to dish this summer? Fruit smoothies. Is it something you'll continue making as the seasons change? Yes. I've been making smoothies since before summer began and I'll continue. They're a great way to start the day and I like to have one ready for New Mommy Daughter since she's nursing Baby M. :)
7. Adult coloring books are a thing now. Have you jumped on the bandwagon? I have given them as gifts and the recipients have enjoyed them. I have one but I haven't used it. If not is this something you think you might enjoy? I think so. There are times when I do enjoy coloring so, when those times hit, I'll pull mine out.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I sure am enjoying seeing this little sweetie every day! Grandma-ing is so much fun! Be warned, though, when you have one of these and you talk to her or even when you just look at her, the tears are likely to begin flowing. There's just nothing like it!
SO--- the August Happiness Challenge part of the post:
Day 23: Seeing my granddaughter every day makes me happy! (Have I mentioned that before?)
Day 24: People who don't believe everything they read on the internet make me happy! Wait, maybe that should read, people who don't share with me what they believe to be true that they found on the internet. Sheesh, y'all. For every 'fact' someone finds to support their view, I can find just as many to support 100 other views. Save it.
(If you want to join in, create an icon of something, anything, that makes you happy, post your 'happy', and head over to One Gal's Musing and let her know, in the comments, that you're on board! That's it!)
Have a great rest of the week, y'all!
I love the wall color and look forward to your pictures of the completed project. I have a great blender, but have not gotten in to the smoothie craze. Maybe once we're in the house. My kitchen in this apartment is uninspiring : )
ReplyDeleteI was making smoothies when a couple of people had some health issues and then slacked off. Now that daughter 3 is nursing, I have a smoothie ready for her every day when she brings Marcy to me. Now, we're hooked! LOL I'm so excited to see the finished house pictures!
DeleteI like the nursery wall color and can't wait to see the finished room. That is one lucky little girl!!
ReplyDeleteI'm getting excited! Until I try to put the crib together. LOL Thanks!
DeleteYou do a great job of working baby granddaughter into most all your posts. She must love the attention. About the hot humid low country - have you ever suggested moving to other areas of the country? I have often thought and expressed a desire to move to other areas. Typically it's not really up for serious discussion and there are good reasons to stay here.
ReplyDeleteHopefully you'll get a cool breeze any day now.
I have given serious consideration to moving but the granddaughter came along and, well, you do for family. So that's that for now. Today was a bit better as the humidity was down and I was able to take said granddaughter outside for some deck sitting in the late afternoon. She loved it! The heat and humidity seem to be getting more difficult to deal with the older I get. It'll cool down somewhere around October or November.
DeleteCute baby. It is way too hot. Your thought about rugs costing so much reminds me of way back years ago, Suzanne was going to buy curtains and bed linens for our new house. The one we were going to live in as newlyweds. I went to the bank and took out $700 in cash figuring that since I decorated my whole first trailer for less than $50 that this would be enough. Wrong! It wasn't enough for the bedroom by itself. My mother had a grand time laughing at that while I drove back to the bank.
ReplyDeleteNow $700 would do the trick, but our tastes have changed.
Hahahaha! That sounds like something a mom would enjoy laughing about. :) My tastes have changed now too. I tend to look in old barns and flea markets for things to use. Go figure.
DeleteHow blessed you are to get to be a grandma. That is something that I've looked forward to for my whole life, but it doesn't look like it is going to happen any time soon. The clock is ticking!
ReplyDeleteI bet the nursery is beautiful and what fun to be able to set one up. :) Your grand-daughter is beautiful, but, of course, you already know that. haha
Have a blessed week!
I didn't know I was ready to be a grandma until they told us in November that they were expecting. I've been in heaven ever since. :) The nursery is so much fun! Probably because I never got to do it for the lovelies when they came along. I'm hoping the whole thing will be complete by the weekend! Hang in there. You'll get to be a grandma when you least expect it!
DeleteBaby photos make me happy, just saying
ReplyDeleteI like the change in seasons, but yes at times I think we are at a rush to see the end of one season either summer or winter since I think most of us don't like it when it is stinking bloody hot or freezing bloody cold.
They make me happy too. :) And yes to your point about the heat and the cold.
DeleteWhat an adorable baby! I love the color you picked for the nursery too :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! We're having so much fun with her. Grandparenting is the best. :)
DeleteI think the wall color looks nice and mellow - soothing. And I can't wait to see the pics of Baby M and Tucker sharing a stroller ride. :-)) xo
ReplyDeleteThe green looks pretty. How exciting to be getting her room ready! I do love summer smoothies. I think it has been fun coloring although I can't do it for a long time, I get antsy.