A List of the Things I Love:
1. I LOVE people who do what they say they're going to do. A man of his word is what someone used to be called. But I love it whether it's a man or woman so, person of their word? Whatever. The point is, I love it when people do what they say they are going to do. It may seem to be a strange thing to love but, when people close to you are the opposite, you learn that you really love it when someone does keep their word.
2. I LOVE nice people. Not perky, ridiculously so-nice-they-seem-fake people because they would go on my pet peeves list. No, I love people who are just truly, sincerely nice. I like being around these people, too. Their niceness is contagious.
3. I LOVE to laugh. Especially when my family is gathered. We are a bunch of nuts and we love and laugh like crazy! I'm talking deep, belly laughs that leave your core feeling like you've completed 1,000 crunches. Laughter. It really is the best medicine.
4. I LOVE cool/coldish weather. There is such a thing as TOO COLD for me but I LOVE it when I have to wear long sleeves and my big floppy socks just to be warm. And a fire in the fireplace and a nice glass of cognac or Bailey's Irish Cream... Hot temps go on my pet peeves list.

5. I LOVE autumn. I love everything about the season- the color changes, the cooler temps, the holidays! There is nothing to dislike about autumn!
6. I LOVE sweets. Oh goodness, do I love sweets. I've had a sweet tooth for as long as I can remember and it's still with me now.
7. I LOVE watching the birds come and eat from the deck and the feeders. Birds are fascinating and calming. Sometimes, if I sit long enough and am still enough, they will come when I'm sitting out there. What a treat!
8. I LOVE being a mom to four daughters. Daughters are the best and mine are wonderful! I love being their mom.
9. I LOVE being a grandmother! Most of you know my first grandlove arrived in July and I've been basking in the joy ever since!
10. I LOVE cooking for the whole family. When everyone is here and they're all milling about in the kitchen/dining room, cooking takes on a whole different feeling.
11. I LOVE fall/winter holidays. These are my favorite holidays and I love everything about them from the decorating to the food and the family being around. My happy time starts with Halloween and goes through New Year's Day. The rest of the holidays are so-so. Ok, I should have written, I love Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and NewYear's.
12. I LOVE taking pictures. I take a gazillion pictures at every family gathering, of the granddaughter, of the dog, and of those birds that frequent my deck and feeders.
13. I LOVE my pup! But y'all know that already.

14. I LOVE football!

15. I LOVE cowboys. I don't know if I love REAL cowboys but I sure do love the ones that 'Hollywood' portrays. Even the more modern day ones like, LONGMIRE. Ok, he's a sheriff and just wears a cowboy hat but he wears it well.

16. I LOVE paying a guy or girl---a PERSON--to paint rooms, the outside of the house, to refinish furniture...yes I do! And I plan to do that FROM NOW ON! Or living with things the way they are.
17. I LOVE leisurely mornings with coffee.

18. I LOVE friends. Friends are wonderful to have. They are fun and funny. They are keepers of secrets and have your back. They are loyal and honest. They are there for you when you need them and give you space when you need that. Friends are the BEST! And you better believe that this includes my blogging buddies. LOVE y'all!
19. I LOVE music! All genres. Except country and metal. And most hip hop. Bet y'all can't guess which band I'm going to put in here. Haha! That's right! DrummerBoy's band: The Wild Feathers! I chose Into The Sun because you get to see DrummerBoy more than in some of the videos. I mean, we love all of them but we are partial to the drummer.

20. I LOVE books.

Wow. That turned out to be a long list. Apparently, I love a lot of things. Who knew?!

What's on your love list?
The idea is the brainchild of Dana from Kiss My List and Bev from Linkouture. And yes, you can still join in, just do what I'm going to do and get it all into the last 4 months. Ha!
I've made photo book/journals for several people in the family but never one for myself. This is a good way to begin sorting through and preserving some of the stories I think my granddaughter (and any future grandloves) would enjoy knowing, reading, sharing...
I share many things on your list. Just finished the Stephen King trilogy Mr. Mercedes, Finders Keepers, End of Watch. Loved them - more mystery than thriller. I will be with my grandchildren today and I love watching them change. It only gets better!
ReplyDeleteI read those! I loved them too. But then, I love just about everything he's ever written. A couple, not so much. It is great watching the grandloves change. I hope I can keep up with her once she's mobile. LOL
DeletePam, your love list could pretty much be mine, except I have two amazing step-sons and no daughters, and my grands are in their 20s. I LOVE to cook for a crowd and cook for a crowd when it's just Joe and me (which is why we both need to eat less and lose weight). Great post!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I know I need to eat less and lose weight too but I don't really see that happening. I mean, it hasn't so far...LOL Hey, kids are kids no matter how you have them! :) Thanks, Terri.
DeleteFour daughters...what a blessing! Come to think of it, my mom was blessed with five daughters and four sons...awesome. I'm happy for you, having so much to love. I enjoyed your post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteFour daughters...what a blessing! Come to think of it, my mom was blessed with five daughters and four sons...awesome. I'm happy for you, having so much to love. I enjoyed your post. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great list. We like a lot of the same things and I'm sure have some of the same pet peeves. Love your darling grandbaby and Tucker and your beautiful daughters. It's wonderful that you're already reading to Baby M. Baby and kid books are so much fun to buy! Not surprisingly, we too laugh a lot and I love it when the family gathers and everyone's talking and eating. I love fall. I hate February and March. Just saying'
ReplyDeleteI think it would be fantastic if we all lived closer together! I can just imagine your clan and mine gathering for a laugh or 500! I do love books for kids. Marcy's library is HUGE already and I've also been reading her the books I'm reading now. No, not Stephen King. She'll have to find him on her own. LOL Have a wonderful week! I'll see you at the Hodgepodge on Wednesday. :)
DeleteThat's a great list. We like a lot of the same things and I'm sure have some of the same pet peeves. Love your darling grandbaby and Tucker and your beautiful daughters. It's wonderful that you're already reading to Baby M. Baby and kid books are so much fun to buy! Not surprisingly, we too laugh a lot and I love it when the family gathers and everyone's talking and eating. I love fall. I hate February and March. Just saying'
ReplyDeleteI love many of those things too, my daughters, my grandchildren, cooking family meals, honest people and happy people you get the picture hell I even love who I am most of the time............oh and blogging I love blogging
ReplyDeleteI feel like I should make a list like this more often, just as a reminder. :)
DeleteSuch a great list and I loved reading it.
ReplyDeleteAll the best Jan
Thank you so much!
DeleteThanks! Which game will you be going to? Have fun!