Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Fly Me to the Hodgepodge

Wednesday. Today. Y'all, this little grandbaby of mine will be here from 7:30 in the morning until her parents pick her around 2:00 AM tomorrow morning. Baby M's parents are going to a concert in Columbia so Baby M is staying with me. I'm tag teaming with her auntie Breezy. I may live through this so, I love y'all! It's been great! LOL Seriously, I cannot even imagine the level of exhaustion this will bring. Having a wee one overnight is not as easy when it's not yours and you are in your 20s or 30s anymore. Pray for me. 

I have no idea whether I'll get to read any posts today but I'll get to it tomorrow. Once I wake up. Probably around noon. Ha! Meanwhile, enjoy your Hodgepodge!

From this Side of the Pond

1. Tell us about a time you felt like you were 'flying by the seat of your pants'. Right now with the Etsy shop. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and I certainly am not good at promoting myself. It's so frustrating. 

2.  When or where would you most like to be 'a fly on the wall'? Nowhere. When I find out things I probably shouldn't know anything about, I am consumed with all sorts of negativity. Plus, when I know something about something or someone I shouldn't, I can't hide it and that sort of knowledge usually changes the way I feel about people. If people can't be honest and up front with me then I do not want to know.   

3. 'Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.'-Henry David Thoreau 

Would you agree? IF I understand what he means then, yes. Why or why not? I think he meant not to look at the big picture but at the moment to moment, simple things that can bring happiness. For example, I could focus on going out searching for happiness or I can glance out the window and watch the birds eating on the deck and just be happy in the moment. That's when I feel what happy is- in those sweet, simple moments- the birds, Tucker cocking his head to one side, Baby M doing just about anything, hearing my grown up girls belly laughing at something, hearing a fog horn, getting a text from a friend, running across a bible verse my grandmother used to quote, remembering moments from my childhood...those are the kinds of things that give me happy and I do not have to go out and chase them. I just have to be present. 

4. Share a favorite movie, book, or song with flying in its title, lyrics, or theme somewhere. Oh, my. There are a lot of them, actually. But I'm going with this one and only my brother, T, knows why. Stop laughing, T. 

5. What is one task or chore you tend to do 'on the fly'? Most things household chore related until Baby M came along. Is this something that really needs to be done another way? It does when you have a baby around every day who is into everything all the time. :) 

6. What was happening the last time you thought to yourself or said aloud, 'Wow, time flies when you're having fun', and you meant it. Probably the last time all 4 of the lovelies and their SOs were home at the same time. That is THE TIME that truly does fly by. 

7. This Thursday is National Garlic Day. Will you add garlic to your menu on Thursday? What? Thursday? I don't even know what we're having tonight. Do you like garlic? Yes. What's your favorite dish made with garlic? Probably Shrimp Scampi. IF it's done right. Which means IF I make it myself. 

8. Insert your own random thought here. Summer's coming, y'all. And, after another winter when winter failed to show up and a hot spring...summer is going to burn. Best thing would be for Mother Nature to make me out to be a liar just like she does the weather dude every single day. Ha! 

We should have a pretty good summer, though. This little bit turns 1 year old in July:

And this auntie will give her a cousin in August! That's right, another grandbaby! And guess what? This one's a boy. Now, that part? We are sure about. I mean, we have girls up in here! LOL The really awesome thing is the two of them will be close in age and BFFs! Just like this auntie and her cousin who are only 10 months apart. So, YAY! 

Have a great rest of the week, y'all! 

Please visit my Etsy shop, CoasterDoodles!
There's a special running through the month of April!
$10.00 OFF your purchase of $30.00 or more! 


  1. the picture of your grandbaby wearing the bunny ears is priceless!!!

  2. Congrats on the new grandbabies! Little Bit is darling. I really liked your response to's one you've given consideration.

  3. Have a great time with Baby M. Little Bit is tooooo cute! Enjoy your week.

  4. Congratulations to the family and Baby M. on the upcoming addition of a baby boy to the family. What on earth will you do with a baby boy??? LOL Mr. C's mother had five boys and then a girl. She hardly knew what to do! Love Baby M bunny. :-)

    1. I have no idea. NO. IDEA. We are still stunned. Hopefully, we'll pull it together by August. LOL Thank you!

  5. I'm sure you'll do great-does baby M sleep well? It will be so much fun to have two little ones to watch grow up together. I always lived a long way from my cousins, but we used to all meet up at my grandparents farm in CO and I have happy memories from those times.
    Wishing you strength for the day : )

    1. Baby M sleeps through the night just fine and has since she was 2 or 3 months old. Now, on the other hand, she does not sleep well during the day at all. You might get 20 minutes you might get an hour and a half. But that's all you'll get. This works out nicely for her parents but not for Grandma who has her during the day. LOL We've already been for a walk on Shem Creek and we're exhausted. Baby M is not the least bit tired. It's only 11:00. Thank you! I hope strength finds me! :)

  6. Congrats on grandbaby #2! It seems like once they start coming, they keep on coming for a while :) A little boy should liven things up a bit more around your house. Seriously, boys are a hoot--and they will keep you on your toes, at least ours sure do!
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. I hope he won't keep me any more on my toes than Baby M does because it is constant! LOL Thanks! Have a great day!

  7. I love your answers to #2 and #3. Also love the photos and those bunny ears!! Precious!

    1. Thank you! Doesn't she make the cutest little bunny? LOL

  8. I love your answer to number two. I'd like to be a fly to find out why that song. lol. It's hard to get an Etsy Shop going. I've never gotten my going well.

    1. Thank you. That's one of my live and learn answers. :) Hahaha! Maybe I'll share one day. :) I'm still trying with the shop but it's not fast for sure.

  9. I would love more grandbabies, if only my daughters would give me some.
    Happiness happens when we don't expect it

    1. Maybe they will! I totally agree with you about happiness. Have a great rest of the week!

  10. answer #2 - ignorance is bliss?
    I agree with your answer #3.
    Great pic of your girls enjoying a swing.

    1. Exactly. I've found that to be true in most cases though there are times I do need to know. Thanks! We've been out and about as much as possible before the heat sets in and Grandma stays inside near the AC vent. LOL


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove