Friday, November 3, 2017

Remembering Grandparents

My grandparents were the most special people in my life while I was growing up and into adulthood. I'm pretty sure I've thought of them every single day since they passed. I spent many weekends and summer days at their house and feel so blessed the farthest we ever lived from them was 30 minutes.

I have sweet memories of Grandmother and Granddaddy in every season but the holidays were even more special because my grandparents made them that way. I love that it was all about the prep and anticipation leading up to each holiday. It was all that prep time that fueled the anticipation and excitement. It was also all that prep time that gave us some of the most cherished times together. And, while all the holidays were special, it's the autumn holidays and Christmas that to. this. day. evoke memories affecting each of my senses.

Once my own precious grands arrived I wondered how I would ever fill the shoes my grandparents left behind.  I can't see ever being as good at this grandparenting as they were because they were the best. Seriously, the BEST. Most people think their grandparents were the best but I know mine were.

Ok, ok. I know we all feel this way about our grandparents. And why shouldn't we? They truly were awesome!

In all this walking down memory lane lately, I wondered if I am keeping their memories alive and honoring these wonderful people? Looking back over the years the lovelies were growing up, I think I have done a fairly good job of this.

Some ways I believe I have remembered and honored my grandparents are:
  • Telling stories.
  • Keeping traditions alive. 
  • Making the kitchen the heart of my family. 
  • Appreciating nature, including wildlife. 
  • Keeping a tidy home. 
  • Taking time. Time to do things right. To visit with friends and relatives. To listen, to make, to appreciate, to enjoy.  
  • Working hard at whatever I do and giving it my best. 
  • Taking care of what I have been given.
  • Living honestly.
  • Singing through my day. Music was very important to my grandparents. 
I hope the things I do bring honor to my the memory of my grandparents. They gave so much to me in so many ways. I miss them all the time.

How do Y'all remember/honor your grandparents?

Please visit my Etsy shop, CoasterDoodles
and feel free to FAVORITE the shop
or buy something! 😁💓

Indoor wreaths have arrived at CoasterDoodles!
with more to come soon!
And, YES! We still have our wonderful coasters!


  1. Oh goodness, Betty I know you are a fantastic grandmother to that sweet baby boy! How could you not be? You're such a sweet, kindhearted, loving person and I know that is spilling to over flowing onto him! I know he loves you and will always remember you with love throughout his life!

  2. Yes, I remember my grandparents and have many good memories of time spent with them. I've blogged about them before. Dad's folks were quieter and not as "into" us kids. We knew they loved us and liked us to visit. My mom's folks were divorced when she was 11, so we had two sets of maternal grands. We knew we were loved and they did spoil us. My grandma was a control freak, though, and made life miserable for most people she professed to love. My memories of her are not all pleasant. You were blessed!!

    1. I've blogged about mine, too. And I will probably continue to do so. LOL No control freaks with the grandparents here but my mother...wowza. Haha!

  3. I see from the two above comments that my grandparent experience is more like them than yours. One of grandpas died before I was born. Another grandpa and grandma died while I was a preteen. The longest lasting grandma was special and nice but I don't recall much interaction with her. I did learn years as an adult that she watched me daily while I was a baby so my mother could work. We all have unique sets of experiences. Getting to have the experience of being a grandparent is a real blessing.

    1. I never knew my paternal grandfather as he passed before my parents were married and my paternal grandmother was wonderful but her favorites were my aunts kids. My maternal grandparents were the ones I speak of most of the time. They were the absolute best! You're quite right about getting to have the experience of being a grandparent. It truly is a real blessing. :)

  4. I was very close to my mum's parents but not so much dad's although my father's dad often stayed with us, he would come for a week and stay a month. I miss my nan every day we were very close

    1. I was closest with my mother's parents, too. I was very close with my grandmother and I miss them both every day. I'm so glad for the memories.

  5. I was blessed to have a loving relationship with both sets of grandparents, but I was particularly close with my mother's parents. I remember Grandpa yodeling and dancing with me. I remember Grandma cooking and making different craft items. What happy memories. Thank you Pam.

    1. It truly was a blessing to have those relationships. A yodeling grandpa? That. Is. Awesome! I'm so glad you have such happy memories!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove