Friday, December 29, 2017

Finding that Word of the Year

It's the time of year to start all that nonsense about making resolutions. I don't participate because I know myself well enough to know I won't be keeping them so why bother. It's like when everyone tells me to sign up for a 5K and I'll keep up the practice of trying to run at my age and in my current condition because once I pay for it, I'll do it. Wrong. I don't care if I've paid for it or not the motivation for being a runner is. not. with. me. so I'll pass, but I am enjoying my chair yoga thanks.

Yes, I am lazy but that's not the point

Listen, I am not going to deny I could be considered lazy when it comes to doing things. Anything. All the things. And yes, I recognize that my current condition can be directly related to this lack of motivation to move. Except when it comes to the grandbabies and creating for my Etsy shop. Otherwise, good luck getting me out of the chair. So, I will be saying no to making resolutions again this year. But what about choosing my word of the new year?

Aren't we just setting ourselves up for failure?

I think someone came up with this idea to force us 'nonresolvers' in the world to participate in this annual nonsense. I sort of have the same attitude about making resolutions once a year as I do about showing love on Valentine's Day. If you can't show it year 'round, don't bother. With resolutions, why can't we make those any time during the year should we choose and why do we participate in something that sets us up for failure in the first place? Can we not just be who we are and do what we do? Goodness. 

Word of the Year

Back to the word of the year. I fell into the trap and tried to find my word of the year a couple of times and guess what I discovered? I don't pay one bit of attention to that word once the choice is made. They were good words it's just not the way I function. I am not one to make a resolution or choose a word and follow it with changing my life or myself. That's not the way it works for me and knowing people who do make resolutions and choose their annual word I'm pretty sure it doesn't work for a lot of other people either. 

I don't need a certain date to inspire me to change something. 

This year, I will do the same thing I do every year. I'll decide to do something healthier or something to make me grow as a person and then I'll fall off the wagon and get back on and fall back off and so on. And on. And on. One day, I may actually make some of these changes stick. Then again, maybe not. Here's the thing- when I notice something about me that truly needs to be changed, I change it. I don't need a date or an event or a holiday to set the stage. I see it, I do it. But it has to be something I know deep down needs to be different. I haven't reached that point on some things, I have on others. For example, I hate the way I look and feel when I'm overweight but it hasn't affected my health so it's not a deep down need-to-change-urgently kind of thing. No, I do not plan on waiting until my health is affected, but I will wait until my body says that's enough we're changing and then, change. 

And then there's the fact that I never make promises I'm not 100% sure I can keep. Maybe that's the bottom line here. 

That's the way it works for me and it's always been that way. So, no resolutions for me and no word for 2018 other than 'back-off' from everyone asking me what my resolutions are or my word is. Ha! I know it wouldn't be the word, 'trendy' because I am not a fan of that word and all it represents but let's not get started on that! 

Are Y'all resolutions makers or word pickers? Does it work for you? 


  1. I don’t make resolutions any more nor do I choose a word. Done both in the past and it didn’t work for me either. I am trying to make some better eating choices and hopefully I’ll lose a few pounds. Also I’ve been trying to walk more in the last several months. I hope to keep on doing those things. But no New Years resolutions.

    1. It does seem to set people up for failure, right? I hope to lose more than a few but it will or it won't happen and, if the previous years are any indication, it won't. I did get a new Fitbit for Christmas so maybe I'll get back to walking. The thing is, if I resolved to do it it won't happen for sure. Ha!

  2. No resolutions for me but I do like to pick a word. However that word doesn't usually work either. I just have to push myself which is not an easy thing to do!

    1. Yep, same thing happens to me. I can push myself for about the first week. LOL I hear ya!

  3. I don't make resolutions either. Last year I did pick a word (Change) mainly because I knew my year would be full of changes - and it was. I may pick a word for 2018. A couple of them have presented themselves. I do have a few more days to decide! LOL Loved your post, Pam, and I agree with all you said since it also applies to me!!

    1. Change is a good one...wait, is that cheating when you know what's going to happen? LOL Thanks, Terri! Let me know if you pick a word.

  4. Haha Pam,
    I don't think I make resolutions per say. But I did walk all of 2017, every day. I haven't tallied up my miles nor steps yet, but I did accomplish that. I cleaned all of my kitchen cabinets blah,blah, I don't make very interesting ones. I like to think of them as just my to do list. I mainly write out what I want to do then set a timer for 15 minutes. That is about it. You know what? My goal to walk a year was to see if I would loose any weight. I didn't. I think what you do today with your grand babies is the most important.
    So all of this to say, Happy New Year Pam!

    1. Girl, we need to live closer so you can motivate me to walk. The girls gave me a new Fitbit For Christmas but I'm so out of the habit it's going to be difficult to start back up. I thought I would lose weight watching the babies. I didn't. LOL Thanks, Kim! Happy New Year!

  5. I can't be bothered with resolutions either, no bloody way I would follow through with them so why bother. My life is a work in progress as is everyone's life, I take life one day at a time and just kind of go with the flow

  6. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, Pam. I feel the same way you do about it. Why not make a change whenever you feel the need to do so instead of waiting until January 1? I do sometimes set goals for the year, then I forget where I put them and come across them a few years later. I guess a new goal should be to keep the goals in front of me so I can see if I’m achieving them, right? Happy New Year! #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty

    1. Exactly! Keep the goals in front of you--- LOL You are too funny! Thanks so much! Happy New Year!

  7. i don't go in for resolutions either, but I did see a comment from a news feed I get, to the effect that the pundit/writer wrote that he was going to be more forgiving. I like that idea. Not a resolution so much as an intention to factor into relationships.

    1. Intentions. Those fail me, too. Or I fail them. I intend to do better but I don't always succeed. I think I just need to accept who I am and deal with it. LOL I saw a meme stating: "I can't believe it's been one whole year since I didn't become a better person." Yep, that's me. Sigh. :) Happy New Year!

  8. I used to make resolutions and kept many of them too. For a long time that worked for me. I reached a point where I was a little too goal oriented, forgetting to live in the moment. Also, sticking with a goal after it no longer fit. So for the past year, I have been focusing on mindfulness. This year I did decide to choose a word, a word that reminds me to take life as it comes: flow. I appreciate hearing your perspective on goals and words. I say to each his own--whatever works for you, go for it! Thanks for linking up on #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty!

    1. I've never been able to keep resolutions and what a good point you make about sticking to it when it no longer fits. I've been practicing mindfulness for some time now and it has helped me with so many things. I have strayed away from it but I always come back and it always helps. I didn't choose a word but one has been with me since October- accept. It's a doozy for me when it comes to my personal life. Thanks!

  9. I don't make resolutions anymore but yes I'm guilty of having a 'word'. LOL:) Whatever makes us fulfilled and happy in our lives is what counts. If we need or want a resolution or word then go for it. Equally if we don't then that's fine too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us at #overthemoon and have a fabulous 2018!

    1. I doubt anyone would argue we all do what's best for ourselves individually. :)


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