Friday, January 19, 2018

Getting Steps vs Efficiency

I loved my Fitbit. That thing lasted 4 years before it died and I counted the hell out of some steps during those 4 years. But then, it died and so did my motivation for getting those steps in every day. I wasn't on overkill and getting 10,000 steps or more every day but I wasn't sedentary either as I believe my average was close to 8,000 and was enough to make me feel pretty good and shape up a bit until it was over.

Do Y'all remember the movie, CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN? The original one? The one where the dad is an efficiency expert or something like that? Anyway, that movie pops into my head when I waste time or movement and gives me cause for thinking things like, 'Ok, I'm going into the bedroom what do I need to do along the way to save myself time and effort?' For example, I'll take my jacket and hang it up in the closet that's on my way to the bedroom as well as my keys and the toilet paper I just bought to put in the bathroom which is located in my bedroom. But this week this situation gave me cause for pause to rethink this whole thing.

Am I 'supposed' to be saving steps? No. I am supposed to be taking steps. Step after step after step until I reach 10,000 at the very least every single day. Do Y'all walk 10,000 steps every single day? Have you ever? Does anyone else out there realize how difficult it is to walk that much in one single day? Or is it just me?

I guess what it boils down to is this: which is more important, getting steps in or saving time? The answer depends on the mood of the day around here as do the answers to just about any question asked. I do like to save time because I cannot stand wasting time though I do enjoy just sitting in front of the television or computer sometimes but I call that relaxing instead of wasting time because labels can save me from being called lazy. BTW, I'm not a fan of labels. Sigh.

I like to be efficient when it comes to doing things I am not a fan of doing such as housework. UGH. I take as few steps and get it done as quickly as possible while still doing it well which works great for dreaded chores but not so great for getting in daily steps.

So what am I to do? If I obsess over being efficient in an activity, I will be efficient and not worry about the steps. If my efficiency obsession does not kick in, I'll go for the steps. This works out nicely in that it is somewhat supportive of my tendency towards laziness because I know I'll be obsessing over the efficiency instead of the steps. At least for now. 

Do any of you get 10,000 daily steps or more?

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  1. Well as you know I got my fitbit last year for Christmas. Being a bit of a OCD kind of person, I do get that every day. Even when it rains. Its still as hard as it ever was, but getting up every hour and taking the 250 steps has helped me. This weekend, we will be at the coast, so I have my sights set on 20,000. A day. Its so much easier when I am not home. Did you read the book? Cheaper by the Dozen? Its so much better and funnier. Yes, I like trying to be more efficient, But steps win every time.

    1. Wait a second!Does getting up every hour for 250 steps do it? I can do that! Yes, I read the book but not many have so I figured mentioning the movie was best. LOL I read it when one of the girls had to read it for school. I always read everything they had to read. When I homeschooled the two younger ones (Reni and Molly) they went to high school and had already read everything the honors classes required. I told them to just take the A. LOL

  2. I don't monitor my steps or much else for that matter. I'll admit to being lazy but efficient sure sounds better. I do know that the steps in the right direction are the ones you want.

    1. I always thought efficient sounded better. I'm not sure everyone is fooled, however. LOL Steps in the right direction...I see what you did there. Ha! Thanks!

  3. I have a Fitbit and feel if I don’t wear it my steps don’t count. lol. I like to get 6000 steps a day. Sometimes I make it and sometimes not. While we have the cold and ice I’m definitely not getting enough.

    1. That was the same way I felt with my first one. Now, it's more like just waving my arms around should do it. LOL I don't blame you! I wouldn't walk on that ice either. Way too dangerous!

  4. Your right. I know I need more steps in my day but I have always been about taking less trips when I'm doing things around the house. No way I get 10,000 steps in each day.

    1. I'm so far out of the habit I'm having a hard time finding my way back. I am trying not to worry about saving steps while puttering around the house but it's a hard habit to break.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

Design by Imagination Designs
Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove