Monday, January 8, 2018

How Old is OLD?

Some days I feel my old is old but in the scheme of things, it really isn't. Still, there are those days...the ones where we take the inventory before putting a foot outside the covers, where we think if we have to get up one more time to use the bathroom we might very well scream, where the aches remind us relentlessly we are not spring chickens, where we realize we cannot tolerate extreme heat or cold, where we look around and wonder how our friends got to the age where they look like our parents, where you are no longer sure everything is related to fibromyalgia (or some other chronic illness) because maybe age is factoring in now and intensifying everything for you because apparently, things didn't affect you bad enough already... Yep, those days.

What's all this about? I had a birthday Saturday and it was not one I looked forward to having though I do realize it's better than the alternative thanks, Dad. And then there's this:

I feel like I should say something akin to if you believe that I have a parcel of land for sale...Anyway. 

The age is here. I've hit it. I'm not happy about it. And I don't feel like what I think someone my age should feel. Maybe 60 isn't the same 60 my grandparents and parents hit or maybe I am guilty of some faulty thinking. 

I did get my coveted snow for my birthday. Ok, so it came on the 3rd but it was still here on my birthday, shoot it's still here today. Why? Because our temps have been in the teens and 20s except for mid-afternoons which have been rising to a sweltering 37ish which melted the snow just enough to have plenty freeze overnight and make the roads downright trecherous which is why this older person has stayed herself inside the house for 7 days. Hey, I'm aging but I'm not stupid. 

Yep, those are our deck Christmas lights which are still there because they're frozen to the deck. They'll come down once everything melts. You can see part of the backyard, too. And these were taken yesterday afternoon.

You can tell it's trying to melt.

 Some of you might recall when AthleticTrainer Daughter went to Texas for grad school, she taught herself to quilt and made me this Christmas quilt which I LOVE.

The back is red and green because Christmas and polka dots because I love polka dots.

My birthday gift this year was a spring quilt. I had an idea I would love a spring quilt that reminded me of my grandmother and AthleticTrainer Daughter did this:

All those flowers? My grandmother loved flowers in the yard and her yard was filled with many varieties. One thing Grandmother did was always carry a hankie in her purse which was alway with her. My sweet girl took a couple of those hankies that belonged to my grandmother and incorporated them into the quilt.

Each of the four corners has a piece of a hankie in them.

Here's the underside.

My grandmother would love this quilt! I'm just like her about flowers- I love them outside but cannot stand bringing them inside just to watch them die. Another thing about my grandmother? She fought the whole aging thing tooth and nail. When she was in her 80s she took food to church for the seniors on their dinner night. She was a trip!

All this snow/ice and cold has not been setting well with my pup who will be 9 in April. He's taken over one of the warmest blankets in the house and is spending a great deal of time on it.

And under it. I'm not sure if that's a sign of an aging dog or a smart dog. I think I'll go with smart. I've been under a blanket, too. I do love cold weather but I like to be cozy in the house and it's not cozy inside my house. It's COLD inside. The infrared heaters are fine but only if you sit right in front of them. With a blanket. And socks. And layers of clothing. At least you don't have to dress to go outside because you're all set to go!

This one pretty much sums up how Tucker feels about the snow/ice/cold and football. I could relate to him on the football games. The Panthers sucked it up which I knew they would and now I have to spend the rest of the season pulling against Atlanta but for no one. The good news? The Panthers played the day AFTER my birthday instead of ON it.

So, how old is too old? I'm not sure that's an actual thing. I think as long as you feel like you can do something, do it. If you don't feel like it, don't. But don't use age as an excuse because then we probably could fall into a trap of believing age is a deterrent to living.

Any January birthdays in your neck of the woods?


  1. Love the quilt, And I’m glad you got the snow you so wanted! Poor Tucker, though ! Age is just a number ! Last year I. E,e rated my 70th birthday. Okay, I don’t like it that time is running out, but I don’t feel old, and I intend living life to the full long as I possibly can, and the grandchildren keep me young!, 70 is the new 50, right??!! 😊😊

    1. Isn't it lovely? She's really quite good considering she is self-taught and has only completed 5. The snow has been amazing! It's just warm enough to melt it today and it's sad to see it go. Tucker has been outside nearly all day chasing squirrels so he isn't sad at all. LOL That's the think, Diane. Time is running out and I don't like that but I keep going and enjoying and YES! 70 is the new 50! :)

  2. That should have said, I celebrated....

    1. I figured. LOL I seem to remember your 70th being a birthday month instead of one day. :)

  3. Happy Belated Birthday Pam!! Yes, I will turn 60 in May. Gosh can you believe we would ever be this old? I gave my Mom a birthday party for her 60th. I actually thought she was more beautiful than she had ever been in her life.
    I love your quilts. How about that snow!! Lucky you! WE have rain today! So I am good. I hope you have a lovely Monday. Sasha is nine too and it just puts fear in my heart each time she has a birthday. Bye for now, Happy Monday!

    1. No. I don't look a thing like my grandmother or my mother. LOL It's like Diane said, I see time running out. I mean, at some point we'll just have to go and I don't want to. The snow has been wonderful but it's warm enough today (7 days later) to melt it and it's rather sad. I am grateful to have had it, though! I know what you mean about Sasha's birthday. I feel the same things with Tucker's. Thanks, Kim!

  4. Happy Birthday.
    Years ago as I was approaching 60 (don't remember maybe I was doing about 70?) I posted the following: As we stumble down our puzzle path we gain wisdom and lose muscle tone. Everyone gets their own puzzle and yet we also share parts of the puzzle. Life is a strange puzzle because we never know when it’s complete or what shape it will take. Our own shapes change over the process and pieces we thought fit together well once need some adjustments or realignments.

    Please read the rest if you like -

    1. I'll head over to read the rest. I love it so far!

  5. Happy Belated birthday. I'll be 51 in March, go ahead and ask me how I feel about that, go ahead, I dare ya. (rolling laughter)

    I hope you have a lovely Monday. smles

    1. Ha! I don't think I need to ask. LOL Thank you! Did you know that your blog won't let me visit? I'm not sure why. But I have been trying!

  6. I turned 66 on my December birthday. When I turned 60, I threw myself a birthday party and there were 60+ people who attended the birthday open house. It was a blast. You just have to embrace the birthdays and be blessed!! Attitude has everything to do with aging. Tucker is a smart boy! Grabbing the warmest blanket is what we all have been doing this week!!

    1. The girls offered to throw me a party, they really wanted to but all I wanted was the family around so that's what we did. I like to throw parties but I do not like being the center of one. I'm so uncomfortable in social situations. But I had tons of friends send me lovely wishes and that was perfect! I agree the birthdays need to be embraced and I do because I am not a fan of the alternative. hahaha Tucker has been under that blanket the whole time. LOL He was out today enjoying grass and chasing squirrels. Seriously, this is the first day we've seen grass in 7 days! But I have loved it! Thank you, Terri!

  7. When I turned sixty I was crushed. No other year ever bothered me. It was because I thought the same thing, that's the age of my grandparents or parents....that isn't me! All we can do is live each day to the fullest. I love the quilts, they are both so pretty. What a great gift. Tucker is so cute.

    1. It does seem a rather 'up there' age and I was not willing to so much as discuss it. But you're right, just live each day to the fullest. :) Thank you! She did a great job, didn't she?

  8. Aren't they wonderful? I can't imagine teaching myself quilting. I did enjoy my birthday with the kids and the grands, best way in my opinion. :) Oh no! I'm so sorry about Nico. That is heartbreaking.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove