Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Leaping into the Hodgepodge

I don't know how your February weather has been but ours has been awful. We've broken records and hit over 80 degrees for over 2 weeks and I. am. over. it. It is winter and I want my winter weather. I miss my winter weather. I need my winter weather. If this is a precursor to the heat of summer I'm not going to be able to step foot out of my house for MONTHS. Which means I'll have plenty of time to spend with the Hodgepodge and the Hodgepodgers! Speaking of which---

From this Side of the Pond

1. Are you currently operating at 100% capacity? I'm not quite sure. If not, what % are you? I feel like I'm at around 65% but I can't discern whether that's just what I think or I have slowed down due to not being as fit as I once was or a vitamin deficiency or the new percentage is actually 100% because of the age thing. What's keeping you there? Again, I'm not sure but I am putting a few things into play just to see what it might be. Step one, try to make my unmotivated self move more and then add some B12 spray to my day because everything I've read indicates this could be a huge part of it.  

2.  Have you done your taxes? You mean have I contacted the lady who does them for me? No. Planned/booked a summer holiday? Nope. Thought about or started your 'spring cleaning'? Hahaha! No. Besides what's listed here, tell us one task that needs doing before spring rolls around. I can't think of anything right now probably because I don't want to do it or even think about it. Ha!

3. What's a favorite food from your part of the country? One of the best things about being born and raised in the south is the food! If I have to name just one from here in the low-country I'll go with shrimp and grits. When you get shrimp and grits you have to be careful, though. Not everyone knows how to do it right and that includes some of the fancy pants restaurants around here. If you try shrimp and grits the first way to tell they are 'done' right is if the grits are coarse and gritty. Grits should be smooth and creamy. And they should always be made with fresh shrimp straight off the docks otherwise, why bother. I'd love to make them for y'all if any of you ever come this way! 

4. This isn't a leap year, but let's run with it anyway...look before you leap, a leap of faith, grow by leaps and bounds, leap to conclusions, leap at the opportunity...which phrase might best be applied to your life currently (or recently)? Grow by leaps and bounds. Explain. Well, these two are growing by leaps and bounds for sure! 

5. As the month draws to a close list five fun and/or fabulous things (large or small) you noticed or experienced in February. 

  1. The yellow jasmine I've been waiting on for years is finally blooming and it's so pretty
  2. The number of feathered friends visiting the deck has increased
  3. A fab road trip with my bestie from college
  4. A mouse in the house--WHAT? Yep. We found his point of entry and he is now blocked. 
  5. These two:

6. Insert your own random thought here. How many of y'all are on the THIS IS US train to Sobyoureyesoutville every single Tuesday night? Seriously, there have been 2 episodes in which I thought I'd make it without needing a box of Kleenex when BAM! a couple minutes from the end they got me. This show has it all- the writing, the acting, the cast... I've run the gamut of emotions from watching this show and sometimes I run it during one episode. I love. this. show. 

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  1. That's the second time today I've read "shrimp and grits" on the HodgePodge. I may have to try it.

    1. They're quite good but you may have to try several places before you find a good one!

  2. Funny you should mention B12. I resumed taking it just yesterday because my stress level has been too high for too long. Hoping it makes the needed difference.

    Thanks for the tips on grits, too!

    1. There's a woman who's mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's but before starting medications the family wanted to have a second opinion. The second doctor ran a blood panel and discovered the woman was deficient in B12 and did not have Alzheimer's. Apparently, B12 is more important than I ever knew. Hope yours works!

  3. Good morning, Pam! You were up early. I am following you making the rounds in the comment sections of the blogs. I'm with you on This Is Us - quality TV. Hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. It's tough to stay in bed when a 10 lb Yorkie-Poo is licking your face off. LOL I do love that show! Thanks!

  4. I keep hearing a lot about that show, but I only watched the first episode and have never watched another. Hubby won't watch it and I hate to take over the TV to watch something just for me. One of these days, I need to catch it on my iPad, but I prefer watching with him than alone.

    I've not had shrimp and grits, but one of these days I will. I did have gumbo the last time I was in South Carolina and it was delicious!

    1. If you do watch it, start at the beginning. It's not one you can just jump in on. :) The shrimp and grits is a dish difficult to find done right. I'll make it for you next time you're down here. :)

  5. Well I've never eaten shrimp and grits, and if grits is supposed to be smooth, why is it called grits??? Oh well. I think I need to take a roadtrip down south to get some real southern food! Enjoy those darlings of yours. Have a great rest of your week, Pam!

    1. Not everyone makes smooth grits but gritty grits are GROSS. You definitely need to get down here and I'll make you some shrimp and grits. Thanks!

  6. I have never eaten Shrimp and Grits, so that means I need to come visit!!
    Happy March my friend!

    1. You do! Come on down with Judy! I would love it! :)

  7. I've never had shrimp and grits, but I'm a fan of both--especially creamy grits :)
    I didn't get on the "This is Us" bandwagon until this season, but the show does grab you and draw you in, doesn't it? The episode about the fire was the best one, so far. I was not expecting what happened!!! (thought he'd gotten killed in an auto accident)
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. I refuse to eat gritty grits. You and Ed need to come visit and I'll make Y'all some shrimp and grits. :) Gosh but I love the show. Have you seen season 1? You need to watch it. It's on Hulu.

  8. Joe didn't like This Is Us so consequently we don't watch it. I would have stuck with it but that's okay. We have enough things we watch. Our butts are planted in front of the TV most evenings, all evening. I enjoyed your HP answers and LOVE that photo of the two kiddos!

    1. I guess it's not a guy show. My dad didn't like it either. You can watch on Hulu. :) I know what you mean about having enough shows to watch and that's why I like Hulu and Netflix. I can skip the parts I don't like and it doesn't take as much time to watch. LOL Thanks!

  9. We only watched the first episode of This Is Us then never got back to it. We liked it, but not sure what happened. I think it might be more my kind of show, so maybe I'll watch it when hubs is busy with something else. When we made our first trip to Charleston hubs had shrimp and grits one day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner-three different places each one slightly different : )

    1. So, he's a fan of shrimp and grits? LOL You can watch it on Hulu. I watched it there to begin with because I thought I wouldn't like it but WOW! was I ever wrong. Around here it seems to be the younger guys who like it, you know the ones in their 30s or maybe they just like to keep peace in their homes. LOL

  10. I find them cathartic and I need a good release about once every day. Ha! This one is so well written and cast. Usually, I am in front of a good murder mystery. :)

  11. I'm behind on This Is Us! I've got to watch my recorded episodes!!

  12. "task that needs doing before spring rolls around" Well this stopped me in my reading tracks. I need to check if we have any spring rolls in the freezer.

  13. B12 is a very important vitamin! I'm learning so much since I recently became a Plexus ambassador and feeling much better as well. Wishing you all the best on your health journey.

    1. It surely is. I tried Plexus for about 4 months and found no difference in anything other than my bank account. LOL I wish it worked for me as it does for people I know who are using it. Thanks!

  14. I didn't know that shrimp and grits would be eaten together. Glad your Jasmine is blooming. It took several years for us to get our 2 lemons this year. I love This Is Us, great show!!!

    1. I didn't either until I moved down to the low-country and I refused to try it for years. LOL Once I made it myself I loved them and have tried them at several places in the area. Not everyone makes good ones though. I've started calling Tuesday night, cry night because of THIS IS US. :)

  15. This was fun. Our winter started out like yours, but has made a complete turnaround with two large snowstorms--nothing like they're having in the east though, so I won't complain. My husband recently had surgery and we spent much of his recovery binge watching This is Us. We love it and are all caught up now.


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