Monday, February 26, 2018

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

I'm referring to myself. Most people know I am not a fan of the telling of untruths whether it comes out of my own mouth or the mouths of others. I just don't like it. Which means I am surrounded by people who do not give me the truth at least not the whole truth because that's the way life is you know when you don't like something life smacks you in the face with it just because you don't like it. So many people tell me the same story with spins making themselves look way better than the same tale when told by someone else because that someone else is making themselves look better. It's almost comical. No matter how much I protest having to hear these tales the tellers can't seem to help themselves.

What's my point? This and it is a sad truth-

When I think about it I am not as good at truth-telling as I thought. Let's take my driver's license for example. That thing is sporting several lies. Weight? First of all who's idea was it to put something like that on your driver's license? Not only is it uncool it encourages people to fib no matter who they are. It's not like I have never weighed that before it's just that it was from the 1980s or something. Hey, at least I didn't give my college weight. Ha! That picture? I haven't changed that thing in 10 years or has it been more? When they let you do this stuff online you just keep the photo you don't love but it's a heck of a lot better than any current ones. Let me just say if they ever put a scale in at the DMV I will stop driving because I can just see the look on the clerk's face when I verbalize my weight.

Where else? I realize I am also guilty of the fib for the sake of making someone feel better and the fib of omission to keep others from worrying so much. And the fib of omission because I assume the reaction to the information is going to be unpleasant. None of those are really fair to the other people but I just don't feel the older folks in the family need to have worries dumped on them unless it's absolutely necessary especially if the older folks are experiencing poor health or already have worries of their own.

Other fibs I am guilty of telling:
  • I'm fine. This is rarely true especially when the fibromyalgia is flaring up which is most of the time but who wants to hear all that? 
  • My phone died. Yeah, probably it did not die. 
  • My phone doesn't show a missed call from you. This has actually happened but it's not always the case and sounds so much better than, "I didn't want to talk to you."
  • Oh, sorry I forgot. It's just easier and sounds better than I didn't want to do it. 
  • Just kidding. Ok, most likely they know I'm not. 
  • You're breaking up I'll call you later. Easiest way to cut a call short. 
  • I'm only going to watch one more episode. When binging on Netflix. I have no idea why I even try as we all know there is no such thing as only one more episode. 
  • I would love to but I have plans. Mostly I use this because of the fibromyalgia. I never know from one part of the day to the next how I'm going to feel. 
  • Yes, I'm listening. Y'all, I am never listening especially if the speaker is droning on and on. I do always listen to my grandbabies, though. :) 
And I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought about it long and hard enough. 

Thank goodness I'm not a wooden puppet named Pinocchio. 

Please tell me I'm not in this boat alone. 

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  1. My driver's license weight has never been right and when they ask, I just say it's close enough and we all know it's not even close. haha Like who am I fooling. I'm not sure that not telling someone something is really a lie. I mean, unless they have to know, why should they know. Unless it's about them.

    I really try not to lie, but I guess reading this, I've got a couple of my own.

    1. I discovered I had a few after reading something the other day so to make myself feel better I decided I'd see if anyone else had this problem. LOL

  2. It's harder to escape unwanted phone calls now that we're all connected ALL the time! Sometimes I miss the busy signal : )

  3. Most all if not all of these are NOT real lies. Fibs, spinning (people make money spinning stuff - they are marketers), omissions, etc. are not really bad if no one is being hurt. Now I guess this Pinocchio talent could become a "slippery slope" into more dangerous problems. - Just my guess but I think the weight thing is to add another identifying item to your ID. So it's an estimate what's the big deal? It's not like you listed 50 lbs - right?

    1. Hahaha! I guess that depends on who you talk to when the conversation covers lying. Yes, that's the reason for the weight on the DL and no I didn't estimate. I outright lied. LOL

  4. Thank goodness! Oh gosh, I refuse to let them weigh me at the doctor's office. I tell them it's awful and none of their business. Haha! Not answering directly is a good idea. I hate lying, too but apparently, I do it anyway. LOL

  5. Uh oh. I read your post and commented on it. :)

  6. I often wonder, if (God forbid) there was an accident, how much time the police and first responders would spend looking for the 5'4" 145 lb woman with brown hair ~~~ stepping over the actual 5'1" 189 lb gray haired woman. Yeah.......

  7. I'm fine. Yep... just easier to say. I haven't tried a few of these. You have given me some ideas...

    Great post!

    1. It really is easier to say. Plus, I figure no one wants to hear the truth on that one anyway. LOL

  8. I'm just as guilty. I too have Fibro and use the "I'm fine" or "just a little tired", I also use the "I have plans" more times than I can count when I'd just rather be home alone. Sad but true. What's sadder is when I've told the truth in these instances and felt the lack of interest immediately, so no more.

    1. Yep, that fibro will keep us inside and down more often than not. And I really do prefer to be home and alone because that means no one can bother me. :) YES! The lack of interest or the look of disbelief. They figure we look fine so we must feel fine.

  9. Many of us have fibbed at times and have said you are breaking up when we want to end a call without being rude and we all have said "I'm fine" when are not

    1. So good to know I'm not in the USS Fibber alone. LOL

  10. Most of us don't realize how many fibs we tell in a day. I would love to get back to my drivers license weight. lol

  11. You are definitely not alone!! I saw myself in many of your examples. You can believe that and I'm sure I could come up with more, but the one I'm most guilty of is omission. I truly have a difficult time saying something to someone that I think will hurt their feelings. So I just don't. I am not going to fib here and say I'll do better because I don't think I really will. Great post and thanks for sharing with The Blogging Grandmothers Link Party. #TheBloggingGrandmothersLinkParty I have shared.

    1. Thank goodness I'm not alone here! Yes, omission. I'm the same way. If I spew out a truth I'm usually angry with someone. Yeah, I'm not going to do better either. LOL

  12. Ahhh the joy of the little white lie - I hate liars and people who try to make themselves seem like something they're not - or who speak behind your back......but the gentle (and often done from kindness) lie to save hurt or embarrassment - I really don't mind those at all.

    1. I'm in agreement with you on all points, friend. :)

  13. I hear you on a lot of those ones you listed. Also you are correct about the drivers license, I'm guilty!!

    1. It's really good to know I am in good company on this. :)

  14. I understand the fibromyalgia flaring up all too well. And yes, you never know from day to day how you are going to feel. I have to cancel doctor appts due to not feeling well enough to get ready to even go see the doctor!

    How about when someone asks me how I feel, I can't ever say fine because I don't feel fine but if I say "so-so" they look at me and say - "Well you look fine, you don't look like anything is wrong with you!" Yeah well if you only knew!!!

    1. It drives me nuts when people look at me like I'm crazy or think I just don't want to do things with them or be friends with them anymore. Fibromyalgia is not something they can see so they figure I'm making up excuses which couldn't possibly be further from the truth. In their defense, I sometimes forget the reason I can't do something is because of fibromyalgia and not because I'm lazy. Like you say, if they only knew. Thanks, Dee!


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