Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Calling on the Hodgepodge

Here we are back on Wednesday and I thought we were still having the weekend. Ha! Shows what I know. I guess it doesn't matter what you do or where you are time just flies but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying to find a way to slow it down. Meanwhile, let's enjoy the Hodgepodge because it's always just right!

From this Side of the Pond

1. They say you learn something new every day. What did you learn yesterday? Funny you should ask. I'm about to start a new weekly post about what I've learned each week. Yesterday? I learned I do have patience in some situations. I also learned yesterday when you do not read the label you might end up with gluten-free shortbread cookies and that is NOT a good thing meaning YUCK.

2. Have you ever had a now or never moment? I'm sure I have. Elaborate. I can't think of specifics but I do know I've said that and I know the situations have been such that I had to make myself do something I was either afraid to do or didn't want to do but knew I should or had to. Does that make sense? I don't think I ever chose the never part. 

3.  April 25th is National Telephone Day. Do you still have a landline or have you gone mobile only? I have it just in case but it is never used. As a matter of fact, there's no phone plugged into the phone jack. The 'house' phone is kept in a drawer because I only answer my cell and only then if I know the number calling unless I do not want to talk in which case I answer nothing. Ha! When you receive a text message do you respond immediately? Most of the time. Last time you turned your phone off? I do this every day for several hours. Disconnecting is a good thing, y'all. In two or three sentences share with us a story/memory/incident from your childhood (or something current if that's too hard) where the telephone is featured. We all still laugh about my granddaddy and telephones. When he was finished talking he just hung up. You could be talking away and he was long gone. And do y'all remember trying to listen in on your siblings' conversations? You had to lift the receiver up ever so slightly and get your finger on that button thingy and then let your finger off ever so slowly and carefully so they couldn't hear that noise that was such a tattle tail and told on you every time you messed up the process? Good times. 

4. Close call, at someone's beck and call, call the shots, call a meeting, call it quits, call in sick, call on the carpet, wake up call...which call have you 'heard' recently? I haven't 'heard' it but I'm living 'at someone's beck and call' right now. Explain. Well, there are two grandbabies and wedding planning going on so...

5. What subject do you wish you'd paid more attention to in school? None. I paid attention. I was nerdish and I loved learning which made choosing one path while in college quite difficult. The only subject I avoided at all costs was math. That stuff gives me a headache and paying more attention made no difference. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I was thinking how nice it would be if when you thought of something you wanted like a smoothie it would just appear and you wouldn't have to get up and do all the prep work and clean up. Or if you're in the middle of planning a wedding and POOF! it's done. Or your house needed painting or the yard needed work... Wouldn't it?

Have a great rest of the week, y'all!

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  1. I love your phone stories! You're granddaddy one was particularly funny. As to your random, I hope your genie appears soon. LOL. Have a great Wednesday, Pam.

    1. Granddaddy was one of a kind. We still enjoying laughing over our memories of him. I hope my genie does too! :) Thanks, Judy!

  2. Wouldn't it be nice if things we thought about just happened? Hope the wedding planning is going smoothly. Have a great week, Pam.

    1. Wouldn't it just?! The planning is coming along nicely it's just hard being so far away. We do have the venue secured! Thanks!

  3. Oh, yes...trying to "listen in" without being discovered! I think we're all guilty of doing that at least once :)
    I've often thought it would be nice to have powers like Sam on "Bewitched" or the Jeanie in the bottle on "I Dream of Jeanie".
    Hope all goes smoothly with the wedding planning :)
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. It was such fun listening in unless my brothers were listening in on my conversations. LOL Thank you!

  4. I'm a book reviewer, so I wish I had paid more attention to language arts.
    I just couldn't understand about all that diagramming, adverbs, etc...
    But, I think I do ok without it.

    1. I'm the one high school student who LOVED diagramming sentences. I still enjoy it. I know, I'm weird. LOL

  5. It's interesting that many of us wished we had learned a foreign language in school but I'm with you on that math thing. Hate/hated it. As for your random... that's why we all loved watching Bewitched, I think. Wiggle the nose and whatever you want appears. Sigh.

    1. I keep wiggling my nose but nothing happens. LOL Maybe I should have tried it during math. Ha!

  6. What a fun memory you brought up! I used to love to listen in on my older sister's phone conversations! She's 7 years older than me so I was just the right age to do this when she was a teen : ) I'd completely forgotten about that!

    1. Hahaha! I loved listening in on my brothers' calls but not so much when they listened in on mine. LOL

  7. National Telephone Day - who knew - Great that you know the smartphone has BOTH on and off. I wonder at times if people know how to turn their digital attachments off.
    #6 answer - reminds of the Bewitched TV show and her twist of the nose.

    1. If I don't disconnect every day for a few hours I just can't relax. I wish it worked like that. I'd be twitching my nose all day long. :)

  8. Being at the beck and call of your cute grandkids is a very good thing. Oh man I wish I could think the work done at our house, like painting and new floors. lol

    1. It sure is a good thing! Wouldn't it be great to be able to think it and it's done? Dream. Come. True. LOL

  9. Yeah they say we learn something every day but generally speaking I have no idea what I learn

    Yep I have a landline and a mobile

    1. I agree, it is something we have to think about.

  10. Love your random thought...I have that thought quite often! If I had the chance to twitch my nose or blink like Samantha or Jeannie, I'd take it!

  11. The cookies were that bad?? I am very surprised at all the people who have given up their landlines. I love my landline. I just feel weird talking on a cell phone. I hate it with a passion. Good for you for paying attention in school. Yes, it would be nice to be The Jetson's!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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