Sunday, April 29, 2018

Oh the Pictures We Will Take

What's something you do even more than before once you have a grandchild or two? In my case, it's taking more pictures. Yes, I know I'm the camera queen when it comes to taking pictures of my family. I've been nuts about taking pictures since I was a kid roaming the neighborhood with my Kodac camera that had the square flashbulbs and that crazy Polaroid that slid the picture right out and you could see it instantly well after you waved it around in the air for a minute. But when the grandkids came along things got really crazy. They may even only have memories of me as the grandma with the camera for a face.

Don't even try it because I know a lot of y'all are the same way.

A few weeks ago I got one of those promotional emails. Y'all know the ones where they introduce themselves, say nice things about your blog, and then ask if you'd be interested in whatever it is they're selling. I skim these things and then delete them most of the time but this one hooked me. I mean which grandmother doesn't want a FREE 16x20 canvas print of their grandchildren? The offer could be for any print I wanted but hey a grandmother is probably going to choose the grandkiddos and so I got this:

It is a little dark but not as dark as the above shot seems but I knew it would be a bit on the dark side when I chose it because not one single time did I think to myself, "Edit the exposure on this first." Also, the day we were trying to get a good photo for this opportunity was had the same results as any time you try to get two kids to do what you want them to do while taking their pictures.

Anyway, here's a closer shot--

And of course I hung it in the nursery--

The company is Canvas Factory and their website is HERE. The site is super easy to use and they offer a variety of sizes, shapes, and other options such as split canvases. Of course, the thing I really liked was the short turn-around time. I had my 16x20 print in one week. The quality is good, comparably speaking it's really about the same as what other companies offer. I have no complaints.

Why is this a big deal? Not because it was FREE but because I can offer one lucky friend/reader a chance to get a FREE canvas of their own! AND there will be NO HOOPS for y'all to jump through as all you need to do is leave a comment that you're in!

I will, however, give anyone extra chances if you comment on Facebook and Instagram (@pammlofton AND/OR @coasterdoodlessc) as well as leave a comment here.

Have a great day, y'all!

Please visit CoasterDoodles! 

Y'all can find us on Facebook and 
Instagram (@coasterdoodlessc)

There's a Mother's Day SALE!


  1. Well okay... I'm in!! I love the photo you chose!

  2. Very nice! I have two companies I use to put photos on canvas. I have an entire wall of canvas with photos from the trips we have taken.

  3. Such lovely photos, a few years back I did a lot of canvas photos as gifts for the family

    1. Thanks! What a great idea! Hope all is well with you.

  4. Same here with life happening. It's good to hear from you! How's that little man doing?


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

Design by Imagination Designs
Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove