Monday, April 2, 2018

One More Thing...

Remember yesterday when I posted Happy Easter, Happy April Fools' Day, and Happy Birthday? Seems there was one more good thing for our family to celebrate.

Well, it was this kid's birthday and when your birthday falls on Easter and you live 9 hours away from your mom but your SO is awesome, you get an Easter basket anyway.

And because DrummerBoy is an awesome SO (significant other) he gave said birthday girl an Easter basket...

With this hidden in it:

So just add this to yesterday's celebrations:

It was quite a weekend in our family. Our family couldn't be happier if we tried. The boys (ok, I know they're full-grown men but anyway...) who have joined our family are PHENOMENAL young men. I love them as if they were my own and while I could go on for days as to the reasons why I feel this way about them, I shall spare y'all the details and simply say our family is truly blessed.

Tune in tomorrow for the recap of Easter with the grandkiddos!

Oh, and one more little thing--- DrummerBoy's band, The Wild Feathers released the first single off their THIRD album on Friday! It's titled, BIG SKY and y'all can listen on Spotify and iTunes and I'm sure elsewhere. Or just click the picture below and head to their website to give a listen. I'd love to know what y'all think!

Last thing---

Please visit CoasterDoodles

and feel free to FAVORITE the shop.

FREE SHIPPING started yesterday. 
Click HERE for the link.  

Y'all can find us on Facebook and 
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  1. Wow! Yesterday really was a HUGE deal for your family. Congratulations to your daughter and her new fiancee!

  2. What a busy and wonderful day for you all. Congrats to your daughter and fiancee

  3. Wow!! No that was some weekend! Congratulations to your Lovely and her Drummer Boy!! How exciting!! Can't wait to see the little ones in tomorrow's post!! Happy days!!

    1. It sure was! AND, Villanova kept my bracket alive. LOL Thank you!

  4. Thank you! We're all so excited for them! Wedding planning is not my favorite thing but this girl is great at it so I won't have much to worry about. :) I'll keep you posted!

  5. No Way!!! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for them and for all of you. Congratulations!!!

    1. Awwww, you are so sweet! We are just over the moon around here! Thank you so much!

  6. Sounds like an amazing time and big congratulations from me

  7. Congratulations. What a fun way to pop the question!

    1. We thought it was so clever. :) Thank you! Everyone is so excited for them!

  8. Congratulations!! We're in the middle of wedding planning here too. Good times!!

    1. Thank you! This is the third one for our family so I hope we've got it down by now. Ha! Hope your planning is going without a hitch!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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Illustration by MerryLittleDoodle
Background by CinnamonDove