Wednesday, May 2, 2018

April Showers Bring May Hodgepodge

Wow! The Hodgepodge has been around quite some time, y'all. I had to look back to find my first Hodgepodge and it was on April 27, 2011. I don't think that's the beginning beginning but maybe close-ish. It was Volume 24 to be exact. Although I think it took me a minute to make it a habit I have always loved the Hodgepodge and all the friends I've met because of it. Joyce, do you realize how many friendships you've brought together?   

From this Side of the Pond

1. April showers bring May flowers or so the saying goes. Is there a flower you associate with a particular memory? Not just one flower. Explain. Most people who know me know I can't stand flowers in the house and not just because of my allergies but I don't like cutting them to bring them in and watch them die. My grandmother was like this so I'm sure that's where I got it. However, she LOVED flowers and had them all over her yard and inside in her drapes and bed covers. I love flowers in the yard and AthleticTrainer Daughter made me a spring quilt with floral fabric squares reminding us of Grandmother. I do have favorite flowers though, daisies and sunflowers. 

2. Last time you helped someone? Hmmmm, I helped Baby R stand up, I helped Bug escape from school, I helped NashvilleDaughter wedding plan. Tell us how. Well, Baby R crawled over to me, I put my hands down, he grabbed my fingers and up he came! And Bug? I walked into school yesterday afternoon, got her, and brought her to my house. Ha! She loves her school but she loves Grandma's house even more. I do this 2 to 3 times every other week because school is great but I like my time with her. The wedding planning, well y'all already know about all that. 

3. It's National Salsa Month (the food, not the dance) so tell us, do you like salsa? It's ok. Hot, medium, or mild? Mild for sure. Homemade, store-bought, or from your favorite restaurant only? It doesn't matter. Salsa is not something I love to the point it matters how or where it's made. 

4. When I was twelve years parents adopted three brothers who became my brothers. If you don't already know the story you can read about it HERE if you'd like. 

5. It's the first of May so let's run with it-first things first, don't know the first thing about it, first dibs on something, first impression, first rate, first cousin, first string, first come first served, at first light-which phrase can best be applied to something in your life currently or even recently? I'll go with first things first as the first thing to check off the wedding planning list is always securing the venue and we've done that! 

6. Insert your own random thought here. Everything is crazy around here these days. I am juggling way too many balls at the same time and I don't know how to juggle so that's fun. Things are moving forward with the wedding planning and I think it helps when the bride-to-be knows what she wants. Did y'all know you can have a wedding dress sent to your house to try on and then have it custom made for you should you decide that it truly is THE ONE? So cool. Not that we won't be trying on others but there is a story with this one that makes us think it truly is THE DRESS. I'll share the tale later. 

HEY! I almost forgot! I was given the opportunity to recieve a FREE CANVAS PRINT and to offer a FREE CANVAS PRINT to one lucky reader. Y'all can read about it HERE and all you have to do is comment you'd like to have your name dropped into the hat!

Have a great rest of the week, y'all!

Please visit CoasterDoodles! 

Y'all can find us on Facebook and 
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There's a Mother's Day SALE!


  1. Daughter #1 is getting married in October...and I can relate where you are coming from....Shew with everything going on it is hard for me to keep up.

    1. It is a crazy time, isn't it? This is our third daughter wedding and it seems no matter how many times you have one it's just BUSY.

  2. When I read your blog it always confirms what a natural you are at this grandmother role!! Glad you could help Bug escape from school. Lol. I don't envy you another wedding, but it sounds like you're a pro by now. xo

    1. Awww, that's so sweet! Thank you! The wedding is going to be such fun but the planning rarely is. LOL

  3. Every grandchild's be rescued from school by grandma :)
    So glad to hear the wedding venue's been settled. That's a great first step!
    Kathy (Reflections)

    1. Isn't it? LOL I get to do it today and tomorrow, too! Days with my Bug are the best!

  4. Two weddings coming up. Mid and end of summer. I just need to show up and be one of the crazy uncles.
    Helping toddlers is fun. Then one day it's no I want to do it myself.

    1. Now that's the best thing to be at a wedding and you get to do it twice! Not to mention, that role was sort of made for you, wasn't it? LOL She's already there. Unless you hear her say, 'elp' just let her do it or else you will experience toddler wrath. ha!

  5. Hi Pam! Glad to hear that the wedding planning is going smoothly. I did not know that you can have a dress sent to you. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Girl, I didn't either but how cool is that? I'm excited to hear about the experience. It was scheduled to arrive today so we should know this evening!

  6. Joyce gave us another fun Hodgepodge. I've been Hodgepodging since June 2013 but remember reading the Hodgepodges long before that. I was afraid I couldn't answer the questions and be interesting enough! Ha. So the little man is pulling up already?! Good golly! Cute story about Bug escaping from school! You are such a great grandma!!

    1. She did, didn't she? I had to think about it at first, too. I felt everyone had such deep and clever responses and I wouldn't be able to keep up. Thank you, Terri!

  7. I love your sneaky way of getting your granddaughter. What a lovely way to spend a day.
    My sister-in-love and her husband adopted 3 girls, they have 3 biological boys.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Haha! Thanks! Wow, 6 kiddos is a handful. How wonderful they opened up their home and their hearts like that.

  8. I know that juggling feeling and my daughter isn't getting married! I can't imagine throwing that into the mix.

    1. Juggling requires a skill I missed out on for sure. LOL

  9. I try to help people, I help take Leo to and from school, I help myself to chocolate oh and people who adopt children are amazing

    1. I know you are definitely a helper. You're family is blessed to have you.

  10. I haven't heard of the dress at home deal. Sounds intriguing. You could pose to your heart's content : ) We've paid deposits on the venue and the church so onward ho! How fun to be close enough to sneak your grandgirl out of school. I'm sure that will be a happy happy memory for her too. Mine will be here at the lake house in three more sleeps. Not that I'm counting. Have a great day!

    1. It's awesome! You keep it for 48 hours and ship it back. If it's THE ONE, you send your measurements and they custom make it for you. I know you are thrilled to have them come and I'm sure you're not counting. Ha! Enjoy your visit! Can't wait for the pictures!

  11. Hi Pam...thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I too enjoy the Hodgepodge very much. It sure is a cool way to learn more about our blogging friends and make new ones! It sounds like you are a busy girl! Our younger son lives in Columbia TN not far from Nashville....went to college there and never came home! Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I agree! I've learned much and met many and feel my pool of friendships is overflowing from my blogger friends. My daughter LOVES Nashville and so do we. I find it to be filled with the nicest people and the BEST food! :)

  12. Hi,
    You are so fun. I just love hearing about all the fun you have with your family. You have special relationships with your girls and I love that.
    xx oo

    1. Awww, thank you! I do enjoy my girls and value my relationship with each of them. :)

  13. You are a very helpful mother !!

  14. Good point keeping them outside and letting them live longer. I've told Mark to buy me a plant over flowers. So sweet helping the little ones. I think you win for the biggest thing that happened when you were younger. Good luck with the juggling....

    1. I wouldn't mind plants inside if I didn't kill them. Ha! The juggling is driving me nuts. When do we get to just deal with one thing at a time? I'm kidding, I know the answer is never. LOL

  15. She comes running to me every time and I love it. :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! It makes me feel connected to everyone even though we may live far apart! Have a wonderful day!

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